After 22 months of training at the College for Officer Training (CFOT) in Winnipeg, the Friends of Christ Session are prepared for their first appointments. This is a time to acknowledge the presence of God in this place and in The Salvation Army,” said Commissioner Brian Peddle, territorial commander, as he welcomed hundreds of Salvationists and friends to the service of ordination and commissioning for the 18 cadets of the Friends of Christ Session. The Saturday evening event took place at Toronto's Canada Christian College on June 23 as part of a three-day celebration that included officers' councils, a social justice concert and a Sunday morning worship service.
Ordination and Commissioning
At the commencement of the service of ordination and commissioning, the cadets of the Friends of Christ Session were called by name from seats among family and friends around the auditorium to take their places on the platform, symbolizing the call of God on their lives. Colonel Tracey Tidd, territorial secretary for women's ministries, prayed for the Friends of Christ and their families, asking especially for peace and protection for the children as they move with their parents to their first appointments as officers.
In his presentation of the cadets, Major Eric Bond, then principal at Winnipeg's College for Officer Training (CFOT), acknowledged the common connection between those who were to be commissioned. “God has placed his hand upon them and called them to be Salvation Army officers,” he said. “By their continued dependence on God, all things are possible. They are ready and eager for battle.”
A significant part in any ordination and commissioning service is the cadets' recitation of the Officer's Covenant. The Friends of Christ did so through a video presentation that had been filmed on-site at CFOT, providing glimpses of the campus where they had trained for the past 22 months.
“You have been called and equipped for sacred service,” Commissioner Peddle said as he ordained the Friends of Christ as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ and commissioned them as Salvation Army officers with the rank of lieutenant.
Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, territorial president of women's ministries, addressed each new lieutenant with a portion of Scripture that had been chosen specifically for them and offered a prayer of dedication for the group as they begin their ministry. “Give them holy wisdom as they take on this mantle of leadership,” she prayed.
As the Canadian Staff Band (CSB) presented Craig Woodland's arrangement of In Christ Alone, the Friends of Christ left the auditorium. They returned a few moments later amidst cheers and handclapping, resplendent in uniforms bearing the distinctive red trim worn around the world by commissioned Salvation Army officers.
Newly commissioned Lieutenant Jennifer Ivany spoke on behalf of her session and encouraged them to remain close to Jesus as they enter full-time service as Salvation Army officers. “Be bold and be strong, for Immanuel is with you,” she said. “Align your footprints in Christ.”
In his challenge to the lieutenants, the territorial commander encouraged them to be faithful to the covenant they had made as officers. “You have been authorized to be a Salvation Army officer, to be a leader in the communities in which you have been placed.” He reminded them that they would not be alone in their journey as officers. “The great God we serve goes with you always, as close as the air you breathe,” he said.
In response to an invitation from Commissioner Peddle at the conclusion of the service, men and women made their way to the platform to offer themselves for full-time service as Salvation Army officers. The words of the final song, I'll Go in the Strength of the Lord, affirmed for them, and all present, that God equips us for the tasks he calls us to do.
Fighting for Social Justice
The previous evening, a social justice concert was held at Canada Christian College. Under the theme “I'll Fight,” the occasion was both joyous and sobering as Salvationists celebrated the centenary of the promotion to Glory of General William Booth and were challenged to keep fighting for social justice—a calling as relevant today as it was 100 years ago.
Following a prelude by the CSB, Colonel Floyd Tidd, chief secretary, welcomed the congregation and opened the evening with prayer.
The concert featured several musical performances by the Ontario Central-East Divisional Youth Chorus and the CSB, as well as solos by then Cadets Joshua Ivany and Cory Fifield of the Friends of Christ Session. The congregation was invited to join in singing with the chorus on several occasions.
Between these performances were dramas by Peter Koehnen and Kyle Higgins. Drawing from current events and statistics, they painted a heart-breaking picture of the suffering experienced by so many today, and they reminded the congregation that there are no spectators in the Kingdom of God.
The evening ended with an appeal from Commissioner Brian Peddle. Reflecting on the life and legacy of General William Booth, he encouraged the congregation to find their fighting spirit—to lift up their voice and claim their place as an advocate for others. Concluding his address, Commissioner Peddle said, “I'll fight to the very end and I ask you to join me.”
Time to Worship
On Sunday, a family worship service was held at Toronto's Scarborough Citadel. With accompanying music by the Scarborough Citadel Band, the Proclaimers of the Resurrection Session entered the auditorium with recognition of their summer assignments.
Following a prayer by Cadet Leonard Heng, Cadet Laura Hickman shared her testimony. Speaking about the value of simply being with people, Cadet Hickman said that she asks God to “break my heart for what breaks yours.”
After a time of praise led by the CFOT worship team, Aux-Captain Thomas Yoo spoke about the privilege of serving God through The Salvation Army. “I believe that God sent me to Canada to start a new life with Jesus Christ,” he said. “I have a passion to deliver the gospel to the many multicultural societies in Canada.”
Then siblings Lieutenant Bethany Howard and Cadet Joshua Howard sang a vocal duet of I Know a Fount.
In his message, Commissioner Brian Peddle said that “The Salvation Army is more than a name, it's a relationship.” As he thanked Salvationists for being transforming influences in their communities, he challenged them to “rise up and advocate for those in need.”
At the Silver Star luncheon later that day, each of the new lieutenants had the opportunity to recognize two people who had made a positive impact on their lives. In her devotional, Commissioner Rosalie Peddle thanked all of the family members and mentors for helping prepare the new officers for full-time service.

The Canadian Staff Band, under the leadership of Bandmaster John Lam, perform a musical prelude.

Lieutenant Kim Chan, flagbearer of the Friends of Christ Session, holds the sessional flag.

Major Eric Bond, principal of CFOT, introduces the Friends of Christ and shares highlights from their training experiences.

Joined by the Proclaimers of the Resurrection Session, the Friends of Christ sing their sessional song, which was written by Lieutenant Joshua Ivany.

The Friends of Christ recite their covenant and the eleven doctrines of The Salvation Army.

The new officers kneel in prayer before being ordained and commissioned.

Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, territorial president of women's ministries, shares a Scripture verse chosen for each new officer.

Lieutenant Bethany Howard salutes the territorial leaders after being commissioned and ordained.

The crowd cheers on the new lieutenants as they enter the auditorium after changing into their officer tunics.

Commissioner Brian Peddle, territorial commander, speaks to Jackson Dockeray as he gives his parents, Lieutenants Jason Dockeray and Kristen Jackson-Dockeray, their first appointments.

New officers lead the congregation in a time of praise and worship.

Lieutenant Jennifer Ivany speaks on behalf of the Friends of Christ Session.

Commissioner Peddle addresses the new lieutenants with words of challenge and encouragement.
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