"Everyone deserves a second chance," says The Moment host, former NFL quarterback Kurt Warner

Do you look back on your life with regret? Do you wonder how things might have turned out if you had taken another path? Are there any unfulfilled aspirations you wish you had acted on?

Do-overs rarely happen in life, but what would you do with a second chance?

That's the premise behind The Moment, an intriguing new reality show premiering next month and hosted by former NFL quarterback Kurt Warner.

Dreams Deferred
In the show, nine individuals have been nominated by a family member or friend to answer the nagging “what if?” of their lives:

Phil was pursuing a career as an orchestra conductor when his son was born with a learning disorder. He opted to teach music at a local high school because it would allow him more time to spend with his family.

Tracie had always dreamed of being a professional photographer but lost her photography business in a bitter divorce. She chose to play it safe as an office administrator rather than pursue her dream.

Renee had given up a career as a choreographer to care for her ailing father, and the birth of her first child took her out of the world of choreography completely.

Car fanatic and driver Kyle had been introduced to racing at a young age by his father and his dream of becoming a professional had almost come true. A failed sponsorship deal, however, left him with thousands of dollars in debt and an unfulfilled ambition.

Each individual is given their “moment” through an intense two-week training period from a world-class mentor in preparation for their dream career—perhaps the most important job interview of their lives.

Phil, for example, spends a gruelling two weeks with distinguished conductor Larry Livingston, and gets a shot at conducting in front of executives from the famed Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. Photography hopeful Tracie trains with Lou Jones, who has photographed the past 12 Olympic Games. If she is successful, she'll land a coveted job with Sports Illustrated.

Opportunity of a Lifetime
This series is very close to Kurt's heart. There was a time when he almost despaired of a career in pro football, and had even stocked shelves in a grocery store for a time in order to make ends meet. But his faith in himself and his faith in a God of second chances enabled him to persevere. As well, Kurt's wife, Brenda, ended her career as a United States Marine after their son suffered a brain injury, and her priorities shifted to taking care of him.

“Because of our personal experiences,” says Kurt, “I know first-hand what sacrifice is like and I also know the incredible feeling of getting a second chance, so I jumped at the opportunity to be part of this experience in other people's lives.”

To Catch a Dream?
The choices the participants have to make will not be easy—life never is. Even if they succeed, they will have to grapple with whether they want to continue to pursue their second chance, or if living their dream for a moment is enough.

“Everyone deserves a second chance, but we don't often get one in life,” Kurt says. “But perhaps watching others' dreams come true will inspire us all to reinvent and transform our own lives.”

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