The General has honoured the excellent work of General Linda Bond (Rtd), especially encouraging the significance of the Worldwide Prayer Meeting and furthering our understanding of what it means to be One Army, with One Mission, sharing One Message. And since becoming the international leader of the Army, the General, along with Commissioner Silvia Cox, World President of Women's Ministries, has travelled relentlessly and engaged in social media through Twitter (@GeneralAndreCox) and Facebook ( as he has developed and cast his own vision for our Movement:
The General's Vision for The Salvation Army
I dream of a committed, effective and joyful Army, rooted and confident in the word of God and on its knees.
I dream of an Army that truly reflects the mind of Jesus in our commitment to the poor and the marginalized.
I dream of an Army that practises what it preaches from the top leadership down, an Army that is a visible and living example of kingdom values.
I dream of an Army that values its youth, where our young people feel that they have a voice.
I dream of an Army with strong, relevant and streamlined administrative structures and a much more effective use of our financial and material resources.
I dream of an Army where all cultures are equally accepted and celebrated through the spiritual ties that bind us all together.
I dream of an Army that shuns the dependency culture.
To achieve this will take more than mere words or neat sound bites! If we are to see The Salvation Army achieve its God-given potential, we must live up to the things that we preach.
Sharing this gives me the opportunity to express my own heart for Canada and Bermuda and ask you to reflect on your vision for the Army, where you serve. Over all is the careful measurement of God's will for the Army as we take our place and play our part in his master plan.
In our travels throughout the territory, Commissioner Rosalie and I have sought out expressions of the One Army, with One Mission, sharing One Message, and we have been encouraged by the evidence of this shared vision. The banner of One Army, One Mission, One Message compels me to dig deeper and to affirm my vision—the longing of my heart that I believe is God's will for us. I believe we are a “none-should-perish Army” that holds “winning the world for God” as its mandate. My heart beats with that deep desire for our Army.
My Vision for the Canada and Bermuda Territory
I see a Salvation Army that is spiritually on fire, where each Salvationist, filled by the Holy Spirit, engages in God's mission in the world as a direct outcome of their personal, obedient faith.
I see his kingdom on earth flourishing because kingdom outcomes are the only goals of our corps and centres.
I see an Army mobilized in its mission, sharing the central message of salvation, providing living testimonies of transformation, witnessing faith to the whole world.
I see the body of Christ, the Army, as the church triumphant, marching forward, becoming by God's grace his church, against which the gates of hell will not prevail.
Can it be so? Can we believe in a God who is still active in the world and relevant in the postmodern lives of people who have stopped believing? Can we enthusiastically share a faith that is liberating, transformational and assures us of a future reality? Simply put, we must recognize our primary purpose in the world, as a part of the body of Christ, to fully engage in his mission to win the lost (see Matthew 18:14, John 3:16).
Share your vision for The Salvation Army by writing in the "Speak Your Mind" box below.
Commissioner Brian Peddle is the territorial commander of the Canada and Bermuda Territory.
(Photo: ©
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