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Salvationist Podcast: Gender Equity in The Salvation Army
How do we ensure every officer can fully live out their calling?
PodcastAn honest conversation about where we’ve succeeded with gender equity and where we’ve still got work to do, featuring Commissioner Lee Graves and Lt-Colonel Wanda Vincent.
Salvationist Podcast: Keeping Kids Safe Online
How can parents, youth leaders and pastors help protect young people?
PodcastOn this episode, Nancy Turley, territorial abuse advisor for Canada and Bermuda, shares some of the dangers young people may face online, along with practical suggestions to stop problems before they start.
Call and Commitment 2025: Major Carson Decker
Territorial candidates secretary invites Salvationists to pray for "harvest hands."
VideosEach year, the month of February is designated in our territory as Call and Commitment Month, where we create space for individuals to discern and explore God’s call on their lives. It is a time to reflect, pray, encourage others and journey together as we listen with open hearts to His voice. This year’s theme is Harvest Hands, anchored in Matthew 9:35-38.
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