“The Kenya Demographic Survey (2008/2009) indicates that maternal mortality has remained unacceptably high at an average of 488 deaths per 100,000 live births; up from 414 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2003. Newborn deaths are also unacceptably high with an estimated 140 newborn deaths per day.” (Excerpts from Her Excellency Wife to former Prime Minister of Kenya, Idda Odunga”
Our Plan:
To create community awareness through educational campaigns through the Women's Ministries group meetings and other community forums on the maternal health issues. Topics will include HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Nutrition and Growth, Diarrhoea and Hygiene, Coughs and Chest Infections, Injury Prevention, Safe Motherhood, Immunization, Birth Spacing, Contraception and Breast feeding.
The Salvation Army's main objectives are to create awareness on the need to access and use maternal and child health care services established in 20 communities in Kenya, improve access and usage of basic medications for pregnant women and children under the age of five, improve measuring and monitoring of health indicators of pregnant women and children under the age of five, increase capacities of Midwives, purchase 3 motorbikes, and coordinate income generating activities for women with the support of 2 coordinator volunteers.
“Infant mortality stands at 75 deaths per 1,000 live births which can be attributed to inaccessibility of health facilities, high poverty levels, HIV/AIDS menace.” Source: Teso District Strategic Development Plan.
Health Partners International of Canada (HPIC) partnership with The Salvation Army:
HPIC has developed a Mother and Child Health Kit that contains medical equipment and consumables. Basic medical equipment includes useful tools for measuring and monitoring of both pregnant mothers and children. Consumables include over the counter multivitamins, nutritional supplements and pain relief medications. These kits will provide treatments for 1,500 mothers and 3,000 infants and children.
Three Mother Child Health Kits are ready to be shipped at HPIC
Your Impact:
Thousands of children in Kenya are dying before they have the ability to walk. We strive to give these infants the chance to crawl, to take their first steps as they walk to their mothers for the first time, to celebrate their first birthday with their families and to grow up and become parents of their own.
Through your donations to The Salvation Army World Missions Department, this project has been made possible. The project will continue to save the lives of women and children in 20 Kenyan communities far into the future as we are giving them the tools and education needed to ensure sustainability.
Through fellowship lunches, friendly competitions and fun incentives, Salvationists and supporters tapped into their creativity to contribute to the 2025 Partners in Mission Self-Denial Campaign.
As part of The Salvation Army’s international development department, Major Elaine Locke is helping to make a better future for thousands of people in Africa.
For more than 60 years, The Salvation Army’s international development department has been supporting emergency and development initiatives to help break the cycle of poverty.
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