Sometimes, The Salvation Army uses the word “apolitical” or the phrase “politically neutral” to describe its stance on politics, but these terms aren't entirely accurate. The Canadian Oxford Dictionary defines “apolitical” as “not interested or involved in politics.” By this definition, we are not apolitical—we are both interested and involved in politics.
In the Christian view, God is the source of political authority (see Romans 13:1-8). Governments are charged with exercising this authority—providing just conditions and acting to protect the poor and marginalized—as servants of God. Of course, the political process is human and flawed. So the Army is keenly interested in political decisions that affect the vulnerable as we seek to live out the gospel. As James described: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).
Early in our history, the Army was involved in a campaign to raise the age of consent in London, England, helping to protect girls from abuse and exploitation.
Recently, our territory submitted a brief to the federal government outlining our opposition to new legislation around assisted dying. We regularly host MPs, respond to government consultations and provide feedback on the federal budget highlighting areas of concern for our clients.
So we are not apolitical. A better way to describe ourselves is “non-partisan.” The Salvation Army does not endorse or promote one political leader or party over another, so we are free to speak to everyone with credibility. Our role is to represent those in society who are often overlooked—to ask questions and express values that are more than self-interest.
The Christian tradition is full of examples of people who were political but non-partisan: William Wilberforce, William and Catherine Booth, Dorothy Day, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Mother Teresa and Desmond Tutu. They engaged with the political context of their times, working for justice and the common good. If they had been “apolitical,” the lives of many people would have been dramatically different.
We don't know much about the political beliefs of Jesus' followers, but they probably didn't agree on everything. Matthew was a tax collector for the Romans; the second Simon may have been a Zealot, a group that opposed Roman rule and wanted to overthrow it by force. Perhaps they had heated debates about politics. Jesus cautioned his disciples to respect and submit to the ruling authorities, but also called them to a new way of living.
As The Salvation Army, we must speak into the world of politics on behalf of those on the margins, to amplify their voices. But we do so from outside the political system, as people whose loyalty belongs not to a political leader or party, but to God.
Derek Webb, a Christian musician, puts it this way: “My first allegiance is not to a flag, a country or a man. My first allegiance is not to democracy or blood. It's to a King and a kingdom.”
Captain Mark Braye is the corps officer at Sarnia Community Church, Ont.
Well positioned and ideally where the Army should stand.
Sadly of late... Many of the opeds in this periodical have had a decidedly political bent
Let's see if we can maintain the objectivity.