The High Council chamber was a sacred place of prayer this morning (Saturday, May 27, 2023) as members gathered to elect the 22nd General of The Salvation Army.

Throughout this week, prayer has been the underpinning of all that has taken place. The prayers of the worldwide Army and those of the 2023 High Council members have united and God’s presence has been keenly felt.


The President (Commissioner Brad Bailey) welcomed members to this sacred and solemn moment in which they have the privilege and high honour to partner with God to choose the man or woman who will lead The Salvation Army in the coming days. "Together we dedicate ourselves to deposit ourselves again into the hands of him who is what we are not, with the complete assurance that he is here leaning into this sacred moment with us," he said.

The Chaplain (Commissioner Yusak Tampai) introduced his theme for today: "We are in this together." Through the singing of the song Kings of Kings, Majesty, the presence of God could be felt in the chamber as members lifted in prayer the words of the chorus – "Your majesty, I can but bow; I lay my all before you now. In royal robes I don’t deserve, I live to serve your majesty." This was followed by members reading prayers received from the U.S.A., Kenya and India, amongst other places.

Interspersed with the singing of Precious Promise God Hath Given, Colonel Samuel Baah (Territorial Commander, Malawi Territory) shared a devotional. He focused on two verses of Scripture: "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you" (2 Chronicles 20:12 New International Version) and "Then Moses said to him, 'If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here'” (Exodus 33:15 NIV). The colonel encouraged the members to fix their eyes on God. "We are here to rely solely on the strength of God," he said, "and to ask him to take all the glory and honour as we go into this exercise [the voting process]. We need God to stand by us."


A time of prayer followed before the President guided the Council into the election process, which was undertaken in silence as a solemn and sacred duty.

This resulted in the election of Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham as the 22nd General of The Salvation Army.

Beautiful moments of prayer were shared with General-elect, Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham. Of special significance was the first blessing and prayer shared in the Māori language by New Zealanders in the chamber to honour the people of their homeland.

Responding to the news on Facebook, General Brian Peddle wrote: "We thank God for each member of the High Council and for their diligence in careful consideration of our next leaders .... As their duty is sacred and God led, we now invite our international Salvation Army family to embrace with love and surround with prayer Commissioners Lyndon and Bronwyn Buckingham .... We call upon all Salvationists to join us both in celebration and thanksgiving."

Commissioned in January 1990, in New Zealand, the Buckinghams began their shared ministry as officers in the beautiful setting of Queenstown. Their first experience of international service came to them in July 1994 when they were appointed corps officers in Windsor, Ont., in the Canada and Bermuda Territory.

"Though we were unable to attend the High Council, we affirm their selection and the strength of spiritual leadership that General-Elect, Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham will bring to The Salvation Army for this next and significant chapter in the life of our movement," say Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd, territorial leaders, Canada and Bermuda Territory. "We offer our whole-hearted prayers and support, trusting God will guide our leaders by his Spirit and grace."

May God bless the General-elect! May God bless The Salvation Army!

Report by IHQ Communications


On Monday, June 5, 2023, Maureen Racz said:

May God lead and bless you on this new part of your journey. I will be praying for you both .

On Saturday, May 27, 2023, Pamela Nickell said:

May God be with you both as you both press-on leading Salvationist throughout the world with Gods grace.

On Saturday, May 27, 2023, Cyril & Marina Bishop said:

We ask Gods richest and choicest blessings be the upon the General -elect.May he known the presence, power, the comfort of the Almighty God. May God grant him His wisdom as he leads our Army into the battlefield.

On Saturday, May 27, 2023, Major Wilson Perrin said:

God bless the General-elect. May grant him wisdom and spiritual insight to lead this international army.

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