Major Irene Mathison is an officer in The Salvation Army’s Norway, Iceland and Færoes Territory. Currently, she is deployed as a member of the movement’s international emergency services team to Romexpo, a large conferencing and exhibition centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. This arena has become the city’s major hub with 2,000 emergency beds and an array of support services, free food and clothing. The Salvation Army was the first non-governmental organization to partner with the city authorities and has taken a major role in assisting the hundreds of refugees that pass through each day. Major Mathison spoke to David Giles about her experiences.

The Other Six Days

Living a life of worship.

As we continue our spiritual life series, Laura Rowsell explores the second element of our CHRIST-centred, OTHERS-focused framework: H for Holy God: how the God we worship has revealed himself, how he can be known and how he is set apart as the one true God.