At The Salvation Army’s Shaganappi Community Church in Calgary, a new crocheting program is providing a creative outlet, valuable life skills and church connections to children and youth. Officially launched in January, the program runs every Tuesday evening for two hours. The crocheting program was inspired by a dedicated volunteer,

Climate change represents a growing threat to people and the planet. In 2015, the majority of countries around the world adopted the Paris Agreement, an international framework to reduce the effects of climate change by limiting the rise of global temperature to 1.5 C. Salvationist features editor Giselle Randall spoke with Major Heather Poxon, the first territorial environmental officer in the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory, about how she is helping to change hardware and hearts.

In 2011, when Drew Harper graduated from high school in his rural hometown of Paris, Illinois, he just wanted to “get out.” College appeared to Drew as a shiny object in the distance—the cure to all his teenage angst. But as he studied, Drew began to realize that the Bible was less of a text he needed to master and more of a life he wanted to live. “What I saw in Scripture showed me that God cares deeply for this world,” he says. “I began to pay more attention to my physical environment.” That blossomed into his desire to build and beautify what he calls “place”—where we spend our time and live our lives. The goal of Drew’s work remains unchanged: to help people live happier, healthier lives.

The Salvation Army in Orillia, Ont., has been running a weekly street ministry since 2016, providing essential help to vulnerable people. They help an average of 200 people each Friday. In 2023, they served more than 9,000 meals. While hot meals are the focus of the program, there is also an emphasis on additional support, such as providing thrift store vouchers, toiletries and sleeping bags.