When Hannah and Peter Chaulk signed up to become officer candidates for The Salvation Army, they weren’t just following a career path—they were following a call from God.

“That’s what we’re called to do,” Hannah says. “Hopefully through showing our love for others, they can come to know Christ.”

Flat Out

Peter grew up in a Salvation Army home, his mother having been a soldier and a youth leader at their church in Charlottetown, N.L.

“Growing up, I took part in most of the corps activities and events, such as Sunday school, junior soldiers and youth groups,” he says.

After he graduated from high school and moved away from home, he became distant from the Army.

“I still participated in events and attended services, but only because my mom asked me to. Throughout my early 20s, I stayed away from the church.”

But Peter always knew he wanted to be a leader in The Salvation Army and, when he gave his life to Jesus in 2017 at The Salvation Army’s Camp Starrigan in Musgravetown, N.L., strove to become one.

“I’ve been flat-out for the Lord ever since!”

The Path to Officership

Hannah wasn’t always so sure.

“I did not come from a strong Army background,” she says. “My family were not practising Salvationists.”

The Chaulk family
Cdts Hannah and Peter along with their two daughters, Lorelai, seven, and Gracie, 14, at CFOT in Toronto

Hannah did attend services as a child, but with her uncle and aunt, and she moved away from the church in her teens.

She had other ideas about where her life was going. But something stirred in Hannah—and in Peter—after they were married, and she knew the path was leading her to officership.

“When I became pregnant with our daughter, I found myself going back to the Army,” says Hannah. “Peter and I decided we wanted our children to grow up in the church, as we had, and to have the opportunity to know Jesus.”

Peter agrees. “That was when we started to attend regularly again.”

The decision to take the next step and become officers wasn’t really a decision.

“For us, it’s a calling,” says Hannah. “It’s not something we decided; it’s something we feel that God has called us to do.

“I spent many years of my life trying to avoid God’s plans, thinking I could make my own path. But when we surrender ourselves to God, it is no longer about us, it’s about him. And this is what he has planned for my life.”

Being Obedient

Now, the couple are embarking on their second year as cadets at the College for Officer Training (CFOT) in Toronto.

Their young family has settled in the Scarborough area of Toronto, and they attend classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and spend 20 to 25 hours a week doing field work.

Hannah shares that working in mental health and addictions has been a highlight of her experience. The more she does this, the more she feels called to help people who may be lost. “They all have their own stories,” she says.

"The Salvation Army has shaped me and been such a big part of my life." CADET PETER CHAULK

One highlight for Peter was his time at an Explore Your Call weekend in Alberta, where he acted as a CFOT representative. They also highlighted an experience with the Hope Truck in Fredericton, helping feed people who are experiencing homelessness.

One man and two women serve in a Salvation Army food truck
Cdts Hannah and Peter at work in the Hope Truck, helping feed people who are experiencing homelessness (Photo: Courtesy of The Salvation Army Atlantic Division)

Peter says that in today’s world, more than ever, people need Christ.

“We need to show them the love of Jesus and be Christlike,” Peter says. “And we’ve been in some situations early in our ministry where people did not feel God’s presence. We were there for them, talking to them, listening, just showing them the love of Jesus.”

The Chaulks have also had the opportunity to become ministry unit leaders at a small church in Newfoundland and Labrador. Hannah says the more experience you get before entering CFOT, the better.

They describe their first year as cadets as wonderful, emphasizing the strong community they’ve built. Even during challenges, they strive to see the good in the process.

Ultimately, they hope to continue to be obedient to where God is leading them.

Being a Presence

“The Salvation Army has shaped me and been such a big part of my life,” says Peter. “Serving the Lord in another capacity was never in the cards for me. The Army’s doctrines and mission align with my morals and views. The work that the Army does for our society is truly above and beyond—and all in the name of Jesus and his kingdom. I love that, and I am excited and thankful to be a part of it.”

“The Army mission statement says it all,” Hannah concludes. “ ‘The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world.’ I cannot say it any better than that. That right there is why I am called. The Lord has called me to be a presence for him in our world and to show the world love, just like Jesus did.” 

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