The Partners in Mission Self-Denial Campaign brings us again to that time of year when we consider denying ourselves in order to contribute to the greater mission of our global movement. In The Salvation Army, self-denial has its root in the idea of giving up something for Lent, and our self-denial focus overlaps with that meaningful period on the church calendar.

We equate self-denial to the commitment of giving up something of cost for a period of time and reallocating what would have been expended on that item toward a contribution to the greater ministry of The Salvation Army. These funds are then used in parts of the world that have differently than we do in Canada and Bermuda. William Booth and his son, Bramwell, encouraged this practice in 1886, and the Army has been raising funds globally in this way ever since. So, what will you give up this year? Coffee, dining out, chocolate, a portion of your wage?

Self-denial is a fundamental principle in the Christian faith, emphasizing the need to put God’s will above our own desires. This concept is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus and is reflected in various passages throughout the New Testament. By denying ourselves, we align our lives with the path Jesus set before us, focusing on spiritual growth and eternal life rather than worldly passions.

Self-denial is the only way to truly follow Jesus and fulfil its purpose as outlined in the Bible. As Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 16:24, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (NRSVA).

We deny self and give in other ways, too, so that we might be available, even for sending out. I think of our friends serving The Salvation Army beyond the shores of this territory out of a response to a specific call, or obediently giving of self to leave the familiar and comfortable, their family and friends. I also think of our 19 officers serving in other Western countries, including the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Italy and Australia. We give God thanks as we remember them with joy and prayerfulness.

During this self-denial period, I call on you to pray intentionally for those who are serving in supported territories around our Salvation Army world, settings where resources are uniquely different, perhaps stretched or even not available at all. Places where basic things we take for granted, things that are readily available to us every day, are not as easily accessible. This includes practical things, such as energy, water, food, technology, transportation, comfortable buildings to worship in, access to health care and monetary resources. Despite the challenges, 10 personnel from the Canada and Bermuda Territory have willingly and joyfully chosen service in these settings. To be sure, they are serving alongside dedicated, beautiful people committed to moving the mission of the movement forward in countries where the Army is growing and flourishing amid difficulties and challenges. They go, offering their gifts and abilities to support and build the kingdom. They are:

Lt-Colonels Brenda and Shawn Critch—Zambia Territory

Lt-Colonels Brenda and Shawn Critch

Zambia Territory
Lt-Colonel Elizabeth Nelson—Bangladesh Territory
Lt-Colonel Elizabeth Nelson
Bangladesh Territory
Majors Kelly and Paul Rideout—Tanzania TerritoryLieutenants April Barthau and Marco Herrera-Lopizic— Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Territory

Majors Kelly and Paul Rideout
Tanzania Territory

Captains Vilma Ramos and Ricaurte Velasquez —Latin America North Territory
Captains Vilma Ramos and Ricaurte Velasquez
Latin America North Territory
Lieutenants April Barthau and Marco Herrera-Lopizic— Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Territory

Lieutenants April Barthau and Marco Herrera-Lopizic
Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Territory

Alyshia Van Kannel—Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Territory
Alyshia Van Kannel
Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Territory

As you pray for these friends, remember that your self-denial offering is supporting their ministry. Each year the global self-denial appeal needs to generate at least US$25 million. Our territorial goal this year is $2.4 million. These funds are forwarded to International Headquarters and then allocated across the 46 supported territories and regions where they are used to advance the work of the movement.

We may never be asked or called to serve in other parts of the world. However, as members of the body of Christ, we are invited by Jesus to deny self and partner with those who have been. Our financial gift is an expression of that partnership. My act of self-denial impacts the global movement.

COMMISSIONER LEE GRAVES is the territorial commander of the Canada and Bermuda Territory.

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