This year's Choral Convocation was one of the biggest events the Canada and Bermuda Territory has ever seen. Held in April, the event brought together six staff songster brigades, including the International Staff Songsters, host Canadian Staff Songsters, the U.S.A. Western Territory Staff Songsters, U.S.A. Southern Staff Songsters, the U.S.A. Central Territorial Staff Songsters and the U.S.A. Eastern Territory Staff Songsters.
The main event, a concert held at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church in Toronto, was enjoyed by a capacity crowd and watched by thousands around the world via live stream. (Read about the event and watch the concert.)
The Canadian Staff Songsters perform at A Choral Convocation at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church in Toronto
Canadian Staff Songster Major Beverly Ivany gives a high five behind the scenes at A Choral Convocation
In August, the Army hosted a Celebration of Culture: Honouring the Sacred, the sixth annual weekend of celebrating, connecting and learning about walking well together as Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. The Celebration of Culture welcomed approximately 175 participants to the event, which included a Saturday afternoon pow wow. (Read about the event.)
Colonel John Chamness accepts an eagle feather from Mjr Shari Russell (Saulteaux) during the eagle feather ceremony
Nisga’a elder Diana Smith and Major Karen Hoeft at the Celebration of Culture
Throughout the year, Canada and Bermuda's leaders, Commissioners Lee and Debbie Graves, travelled across the territory, visiting ministry units large and small where they encouraged Salvationists and mission partners and thanked them for their commitment to the mission of The Salvation Army. Among these travels, the Graves participated in the Army's Calgary Stampede ministry, the Salvation Army Week on the Hill, and Remembrance Day ceremonies at the National War Memorial in Ottawa.
Commissioner Lee Graves, territorial commander, serves food at the Army's Calgary Stampede breakfast
The Glenmore Temple Band and senior leaders for the Canada and Bermuda Territory march in the Calgary Stampede Parade
Commissioner Lee Graves prays with Speaker of the House, Greg Fergus, during Salvation Army on the Hill week in May
Commissioner Debbie Graves, territorial president of women's ministries, lays a wreath at the National War Memorial in Ottawa in November
A prayer blanket ministry at the St. John's West Corps, N.L., was highlighted in our March/April issue. Ethel Canning (left) received a prayer quilt from Joni Burry (right). She was a loyal supporter and contributor to the corps' Prayers and Squares group until her passing in 2020. “The quilt brought her warmth, comfort and a sense of peace as she wrapped herself in it on a daily basis,” says Major Maxine Boyde, Ethel’s daughter
A group of people from the Ontario Division construct a new roof during a mission trip to Jamaica. Top row, from left, Nathanael Masson, Major George Hastings and Coleton Reid. Bottom row, from left, John Reid, Luke Winsor and Len WinsorDebbie Clarke, EDS specialist for Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, was deployed to Clearwater, Florida, after hurricane Milton hit in October. Here, she holds care packages for children, including toys, puzzles and games
A young woman has her makeup done at a BRAVE event in Kamloops, B.C. These events are designed to inspire girls and communicate a message of dignity, worth and purpose. Guest speakers who have also faced and overcome adversity demonstrate that, whatever their circumstances, there is hope
Our January/February issue featured a profile of Major Len Ballantine, who had recently retired after leading the Canadian Staff Songsters since 2016. Major Ballantine has dedicated his life to music ministry in The Salvation Army
The territory's 2024 Partners in Mission Self-Denial Campaign spotlighted the Army's ministry in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. These are students from John Gowans Junior and Senior High School in Liberia
The Salvation Army's Booth University College in Winnipeg welcomed a new cohort of graduates in April
The May/June issue kicked off a new series for Salvationist magazine: The Home Front, which highlights the mission and ministry taking place around our territory. The first article looked at innovative ministry in British Columbia, including emergency disaster services work in Kelowna
The January/February issue of Faith & Friends featured Canstruction, a unique event that raises food, funds and awareness for food insecurity in London, Ont. This group recreated the 52-storey F&F Tower in Panama City
Salvationists in Bermuda participate in an annual event called The Walk to Calvary, which re-enacts the story of Christ's Crucifixion every year. The Walk to Calvary stops outside the Army's St. George’s Corps
Two highlights of every Salvation Army year are the ordination and commissioning of new officers in June and the welcome of new cadets in September. In 2024, the Defenders of Justice became lieutenants and the Keepers of the Covenant started their journey at the College for Officer Training. As part of our territory's ongoing recruitment efforts, an Explore Your Call weekend was held in October and delegates learned more about full-time ministry in the Army.
At the ordination and commissioning service in June, the Defenders of Justice hold words and phrases that are significant to their offcership journeys. From left, Cadet Mirna Dirani, Cadet Tharwat Eskander, Cadet Jennifer Rideout, and Cadets Jen and Neil Thompson
New Lieutenant Neil Thompson presents a Fellowship of the Silver Star pin to his mother
A full house at Toronto's Scarborough Citadel welcomes the Keepers of the Covenant in September
Officers and delegates at the 2024 Explore Your Call weekend
It just wouldn't be Christmas without The Salvation Army. With parades, kettles, concerts and even a special Murdoch Mysteries episode, Salvationists and friends were fully engaged in mission and ministry this holiday season.
Timbrellists in action at the Toronto Santa Claus Parade
Commissioners Lee and Debbie Graves and Lt-Colonels John and Brenda Murray with kettle volunteer Angie Mintz of Barrhaven Church in OttawaThe Canadian Staff Songsters, Canadian Staff Band and Festival Chorus perform Hark! the Herald Angels Sing at Christmas With The Salvation Army
Members of the Canadian Staff Songsters and Staff Band with the cast of Murdoch Mysteries. The Salvationists were featured in a special Christmas episode
Though Colonel Wendy Swan is a Canadian officer, she is a true citizen of the world, having spent most of her officership in appointments around the globe.
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