Commissioner Lee Graves meets with new territorial candidates secretary Major Carson Decker to learn more about his officership journey and his advice for those hearing God's call to Army ministry.

Chaque année, en février, nous soulignons le mois de l’appel et l’engagement. C’est l’occasion pour tous les membres du territoire de prier pour que des dirigeants soient formés comme officiers de l’Armée du Salut ou pour que Dieu appelle de quelconque façon des hommes et des femmes à exercer un ministère ou à devenir bénévoles au sein d’un poste. Quelle forme cela peut-il prendre pour vous?


On Monday, February 5, 2024, Jim Mercer said:

Well said !! Very inspiring testimony Carson. God has used you over the years and will continue to impact many youth for the Kingdom. You are where He needs you ... for such a time as this. I recall your words nearly 20 years ago when we served together in Halifax . You said these simple but profound words which come to my mind periodically ' "Be true to yourself" I believe you have done this --- being true to who God called you to be. Bless you my brother. And thank you Commissioner for your inspiring words.

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