A New Day is Coming

New software will transform the way we work.

In 2018, our territory conducted a complexity study, and one of the critical recommendations was to implement software and systems that would streamline processes and make work easier for our front line. Hope is on the way—we have been working behind the scenes to bring Workday, a human resource software program, online. Workday is a one-stop shop for managing a company’s workforce, including payroll, timesheets, benefits and more.

NEW & NOTABLE Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin. Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin. is a riveting Second World War thriller about the life of German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Hitting theatres on November 22, 2024, Bonhoeffer is created by Angel Studios, known for its production of Christian drama films, such as The Sound of Freedom and

Earlier this year, all mission partners of the Canada and Bermuda Territory were invited to participate in the seventh biannual territorial values survey, administered by the Ethics Centre.  Responses help provide a deeper understanding of our culture and how it supports the territorial mission, vision and values. They also reveal the relationship between personal values, values present in the current culture and values that mission partners believe are most important for mission delivery.