While Major James Anderson was at the College for Officer Training (CFOT), a sermon was preached based on the Book of Jeremiah, where God took the marred clay and, rather than throwing it away, reshaped it.
“Somehow, I knew that was me,” says Major James.
“If you can mould me into what you need me to be,” he prayed, “I can be clay in your hands.”
“And that is what happened.”
Hailing from Channel-Port aux Basques, N.L., Major James wasn’t born into The Salvation Army, but the family attended an Army Sunday school.
“After a while, my mom joined us at the church,” says Major James.
“One evening in 1973, I saw my mom go to the altar to pray, and my three sisters and I all toddled up and knelt down beside her. I didn’t particularly know why, but my seven-year-old self knew something terrific had happened in that moment.
“My life had changed, and I had had an encounter with God. Life in the Army just took form.”
After graduating from college, Major James found employment at Ultramar Canada.
Then, in February 1987, he attended a Salvation Army student fellowship retreat.
“I needed God to tell me where to go from there. Was I to stay at Ultramar Canada or move on?”
After spending time praying with a friend, Major James went and knelt in prayer on his own.
"All of a sudden, I felt this huge hand on my right shoulder. I didn’t open my eyes; I continued praying. And then a voice whispered in my ear: ‘Son, you need to know that God is calling you to be an evangelist.’ ”
A weeping Major James got up. Standing behind him was Commissioner Ed Read.
“He shook my hand and said, ‘God has great plans for you. Listen to what you heard.’ ”
And so the 23-year-old said yes to the Lord and entered CFOT in September 1987.
While pastoring in Grand Bank, N.L., the newly commissioned officer reconnected with his former girlfriend, Darlene, who had found her own way to The Salvation Army. She was commissioned in early 1992, and they were married in July.
After ministering in Ontario, the Andersons were appointed to Russia in 1995.
“Lord,” Major James prayed, “why have you sent us to a place where we cannot even communicate with the people to whom you have called us?”
The couple didn’t know how to speak Russian.
“We prayed, ‘Lord, if you have called us to Russia, you have to do one of two things. You either have to repeat the Pentecostal experience and endow us with the knowledge of speaking Russian, or you have to send us home.’
“Neither of the two happened, by the way,” Major James smiles.
But with the assistance of a patient babushka and a Russian teacher, Major James was speaking Russian within six months.
One of the richest ministries the Andersons had while they were in Russia was at Yekaterinburg at Prison 2257, where there was a population of 4,800 men.
“On one occasion, I had the privilege of experiencing 37 men make a decision for Christ, and that discipleship group grew over time.”
The Andersons ministered in Russia until they returned to Canada in 1999.
From Russia—via various postings back in Canada—Major James and Major Darlene were transferred to Moncton, N.B., where they served as the corps officers at Moncton Citadel Community Church.
“God has truly blessed the ministry here and the church is growing faster than we can keep up with,” Major James says. “It just couldn’t happen if God wasn’t part of it.”
Unfortunately, Major Darlene recently had to retire for medical reasons. As a result, it is probable that Major James will also retire next year.
“I realize that one of the primary examples of my responsibility to Jesus is to love my wife, as Christ loved the church,” he says. “And so, from that standpoint, I don’t think I would be obedient to him if I disrespected her situation by simply continuing on.
“But I’ve always said that the Lord called me into ministry through The Salvation Army, and he would have to call me out.
“That’s not to say that the Lord isn’t going to use us—I’m sure he’ll find other ways to—but I am as excited about being obedient to the call of God as I was when I was seven years old.
“I’ve never wanted to be anywhere else but the Army, because it’s through the Army that I met God,” he concludes. “It’s as simple as that.
"The Salvation Army not only changed my life; it gave me back life in ways that are beyond words and description.”
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You have spiritually influenced many lives during your years of ministry. I am one of those people. May Gid's continued blessings be upon you and your family. I am sure God will continue to use you in His own special way!