(Above) Cutting the anniversary cake at the Friday night anniversary banquet are, from left, Cpt Kim Chan; General Brian Peddle (Rtd) and Comr Rosalie Peddle; CSM Mona West, Corner Brook Citadel; CSM Paul Tulk, Corner Brook Temple; and Mjrs Valerie and Brian Wheeler

Corner Brook Temple and Corner Brook Citadel, N.L., recently celebrated their joint 100th anniversary under the theme, “Because of Him, We Worship Together.” Reflecting on the humble beginnings and rich tapestry of both corps, the anniversary weekend served as a launchpad into a future that embraces the needs of the region and encourages others to “come and see” what the Lord can do. The event also offered a heartfelt “welcome home” greeting to special guests General Brian Peddle (Rtd) and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, recently retired international leaders of The Salvation Army.

Comr Peddle leads a song at the Sunday morning anniversary service at Corner Brook Temple
Comr Peddle leads a song at the Sunday morning anniversary service at Corner Brook Temple

“Over the past 100 years, The Salvation Army in Corner Brook has left a significant spiritual footprint in our community and territory,” says Major Brian Wheeler, who serves together with his wife, Major Valerie Wheeler, as corps officers at Corner Brook Temple. “Corner Brook Temple and Citadel have the unique history of commencing ministry in the same year and with the same pioneer officers, Adjutants William and Josephine Carter. Now, 100 years later, in a very different community and culture, we have come together to affirm our mission to share the gospel and serve our community.”

In a Friday morning local radio interview, General Peddle and Major Wheeler expressed their gratitude and acknowledged the efforts made by the community in contributing to the Army’s ongoing mission in Corner Brook. 

Later that day, an appreciation luncheon was provided for the staff of the two local thrift stores and community and family services. General and Commissioner Peddle, along with Majors Wheeler and Captain Kim Chan, then corps officer at Corner Brook Citadel, thanked the staff for their dedication to the social ministry of The Salvation Army.

At an anniversary banquet on Friday evening, Commissioner Peddle delivered a message on Isaiah 43:18-19. “Is the fire of the Holy Spirit still burning in The Salvation Army?” she asked the congregation before telling them that this anniversary celebration is a reminder to come and see what God wants to do in Corner Brook.

The Salvation Army Centennial Band is a combination of members from both Corner Brook Temple and Corner Brook Citadel, with shared leadership between BMs Wendy Woodland, Corner Brook Temple, and Jerry Sharpe, Corner Brook Citadel
The Salvation Army Centennial Band is a combination of members from both Corner Brook Temple and Corner Brook Citadel, with shared leadership between BMs Wendy Woodland, Corner Brook Temple, and Jerry Sharpe, Corner Brook Citadel

The evening ended with a monologue and song by Wendy Woodland, in character as pioneer officer Adjutant Josephine Carter, who challenged the audience that while the humble beginnings laid the foundation for today’s vibrant community, the future of The Salvation Army in Corner Brook depends on those that currently serve.

The weekend continued with a Saturday morning breakfast for retired officers, and on Saturday afternoon, bands from both corps joined together to provide music in downtown Corner Brook.

In Saturday’s praise and worship service, the Salvation Army corps flags from both the temple and citadel were presented by individual officers as the congregation sang Sing We Many Years of Blessings. General Peddle invited attendees to celebrate their faith and future by being rooted in faith and encouraged the congregation to be committed to the cause so that others can be drawn into God’s family.

As the corps reconvened on Sunday morning in collective worship, General Peddle affirmed that “God is doing a new thing, and God needs you to be a part of that. The future belongs to the Lord, and he needs each one of us to be his bright light in his world today.”

“During this weekend, we remembered those who have gone before us and who set an example of faithful living and commitment to the will of God that is fulfilled in our lives and the church,” says Captain Chan. “Through God, we have purpose, and we look forward to continued ministry carried out in the name of Jesus Christ.” 

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