In February, the Canada and Bermuda Territory hired its first-ever diversity and inclusion strategist, Dr. Ellen Melis. In this interview with Kristin Ostensen, associate editor, Melis talks about the process of developing an equity, diversity, justice and inclusion (EDJI) strategy for the territory, where the Army is making progress and why EDJI work can’t be done from ivory towers.

Tell me about your background. How did you get into EDJI work?

I have a background in health care, executive coaching, and a PhD in leadership and change. It was through my doctoral work that I became deeply involved in equity, diversity and inclusion. My PhD was on long-term care and, specifically, on culture change in long-term care with a focus on personal support workers. I was studying in the United States where there were lots of conversations around inclusion and racism—particularly, how do we empower people who feel invisible or not heard? Once you get exposed to those conversations, it’s hard not to bring that lens with you in your future thinking.

What have you been working on since you started?

My job description is, essentially, creating an EDJI strategy. I’ve divided that into four projects. One is creating an organizational strategic imperative. In a for-profit organization, we call it the business case—why are you doing this? I’m creating that over the next few months, getting voices from across the country, from the perspective of volunteers, employees, officers and congregation members. And the second project is reviewing all of our policies and procedures with an EDJI lens. 

The third project is being done in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI), developing an EDJI strategy for our National Recycling Operations (NRO). For that project, there are several phases. The first is to get all senior leadership up to date about what we mean by EDJI—getting acquainted with our unconscious biases and our cultural competence as a leadership team. The second part is collecting data on diversity and conducting an inclusion survey. That will start in the new year. And then after that, we can do a gap analysis—looking at where we are now versus where we want to be—and develop a strategy.

The NRO piece is a 12- to 15-month project. We expect to have that strategy written up by next September. We are starting with NRO because it’s like a unit within The Salvation Army, but the plan is to learn from that project and then expand to the entire organization. 

What’s the fourth project?

Certain parts of the organization fall under the Federal Contractors Program, meaning that we have to comply with the Federal Employment Equity Act. To do so, we need to collect data on gender, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities and visible minorities, and make sure that our workforce is moving toward equity.

When it comes to EDJI, how do we measure success?

There are two components. One is, how diverse are you? That’s measuring what is. The more important measure for me is the inclusion aspect: How well do people feel they belong? Do they feel they have a voice? Do they feel they have opportunities? And then looking at that gap analysis.

Sometimes there’s a disconnect between what you think you’re doing and the actual practice. We need data to point out what needs to be improved and then we need tools and ways of thinking that help us shift. It’s a cultural change, on an organizational level. That’s the hard work. It’s not fast. This is a years-long process.

What does that “hard work” look like in practice?

Inclusion is all about lived experience. You cannot judge how included other people feel because they see the world through their own lens. So sometimes the hard work is taking someone’s lived experience as their truth even though you don’t understand.

Ellen Melis
Dr. Ellen Melis is the territory’s organization capability and EDJI strategist

A big piece is self-awareness. When I ask, Do you feel included? it means that I need to be aware that my voice may be heard differently by different people. If I grow up in a certain way of thinking and speaking, everyone who’s like me may not be hurt by it, but a person with a lived experience that’s different may hear that same sentence and it will land differently and they will not feel included.

So how do we allow others to share their lived experience? A lot of it is storytelling, keeping in mind that with any EDJI work, it’s not up to the minority group to fix it. It’s all of our work. We need to do it with people, but it’s not their job.

If we have more diverse teams, we’re going to hear voices and ideas that are not the same as ours, and that means we have to listen differently. We need to have better conversations and ask better questions. Sometimes we’ll get it right and sometimes we’ll get it wrong as we learn to understand what others need. 

What are some areas where we are making progress in EDJI?

One is gender equity for officers. The Gender Equity Task Force is set to make recommendations this fall, and there have already been changes made to the Army’s maternity leave policy for officers. Another area is elevating Indigenous voices as we build on the work of the territory’s Indigenous ministries consultants—Major Shari Russell and Captain Crystal Porter—and the Truth and Reconciliation Committee.

Which areas need the most work?

We have an external perception of the organization within the LGBTQ2S+ community that is not necessarily positive. I think there is a big opportunity to show that the Army is not homophobic and that we are inclusive. We have LGBTQ2S+ employees and we serve everyone without discrimination. We have statements that say we are inclusive, but we don’t share the stories of how we are inclusive—we don’t talk about it at all—so stories about The Salvation Army not being welcoming live on. And so part of our work ahead is to make good partnerships with the LGBTQ2S+ community and understand their needs so that we can create an organization where they feel they belong.

I believe we should have good dialogue on what inclusion means to different communities. Inclusion to the LGBTQ2S+ community at large might be articulated differently from the faith-based LGBTQ2S+ community, which might, in turn, be different than that of the congregation. How do we listen to different perspectives and understand them?

By nature of being an army, there’s a certain expectation of conformity. How do we honour the army aspect of our identity, while also cultivating diversity?

The Salvation Army comes from an English perspective, which means doing good in action. Sometimes it may feel that this is done to people rather than with people. And when you have an army structure, there’s a hierarchy, and that means there’s a power difference. We need to be aware of that and we need to show up with even more grace and better questions than an organization that may not have that hierarchical, “action-oriented” background. I think many parts of the organization are doing that well, asking those who receive our services, What do you need? And how do you need it? It’s giving them choice and agency versus us saying, “This is what you should do.” 

As we’re having this conversation, I’m aware that we are two white people with various privileges, talking about diversity and inclusion. How do you take that into account in your EDJI work? How can others in our organization do that as well?

I saw a great quote recently that said, those of us in senior positions have the most power to change things and know the least about how to. So it comes back to, How do we listen deeply and include those who are different? You need to spend time with others to create understanding. It can’t be done from ivory towers.

One of the things I want to do is create EDJI resource groups across the organization for those who identify as different—for example, people who are Black. The resource group would be a safe space for them to share and it’s not a white person leading it. When I worked with personal support workers, it was the lunchroom where people felt safe to share what they needed. Often, it’s not the boardroom. There will be conversations where I cannot be in the room, but I can certainly partner with people who are in the room and can transparently listen for concerns.

For organizations that are just starting this work, that might feel risky, so it’s our job to create safety for people. Initially, you may see only a few brave souls speak. But hopefully, the conversations we have today will be different from the conversations we can have a year from now because we’ve made more safety for people to share what’s important to them.

As part of the Army’s partnership with the CCDI, all Salvation Army employees have access to CCDI webinars and community of practice events. To learn more, visit and

Illustration: Melita/

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On Thursday, July 13, 2023, Sara Hawkins said:

Until LGBTQ+ persons can be soldiers and officers and be married in the Salvation Army, it is not inclusive. It's actually hypocritical to say you are welcome in our shelters, and on our charity side, but sorry, you cant be a member of our church.

On Tuesday, November 30, 2021, Benjamin Coles said:

Radical inclusion; not tolerated acceptance - that what oppressed minorities, like the LGBTQ+ community, are looking for and they're able to find it outside of the church.

On Sunday, November 28, 2021, A. Douglas said:

Interesting article. It was brought to my attention this article and the new action by The Salvation Army. I had to have a read. I know what harm comes to those part of this LGBTQ+ community and have personally experienced hurt from the army. I think there is a lot of work and apologizing to the LGBTQ+ community from TSA. I never saw the The Salvation Army as inclusive. I would say that is impossible. As an organization they have caused so much harm and hurt to people that identify as part of this community without any accountability. Interpretations of the scriptures that they use as a weapon. I was an active member of TSA, and was taught it was a sin and I knew I would not be welcomed so I hid who I was. I was born into the army you would say. I was a dedicated, hardworking officer. I could no longer hide who I was, I wanted to live an authentic life, so I came out. But before any of this they tried to convert me. When I didn't go along with it I was fired. And TSA took away a place I had belonged my whole life. I was no longer welcome to attend. Everything I had worked for was taken away because of who I was. The Salvation Army have always been seen as discriminating against LGBTQ+ community. Funny, how this article comes out in December when the organization is looking for donations.

On Friday, November 19, 2021, Robin said:

Thank you for bringing all of these important matters to the table and for the acknowledge that there is still a need to work on creating safe spaces. Assuming that discussion and varied perspectives are sincerely being sought in this case, I offer the following thoughts. I am curious and concerned as to how it will be possible to demonstrate to the 2SLGBTQ community that TSA is inclusive? Serving people without discrimination and employing people without discrimination, it seems to me, is merely following the laws of the land and is not indicative of inclusivity but rather, required obedience to the law. I know this is not the case everywhere, but it is in Canada. For sure, training and education is necessary and useful, but it is a requirement to act without discrimination in the workplace, regardless of your belief system. Recent international leadership statements seem to have closed a door on the topic of 2SLGBTQ inclusivity. I believe one of the statements indicated that discussions have not led to any “desire” to move away from our current view. That has had a serious ripple effect and taken away hope from and re-opened wounds for so many who sincerely seek belonging in our church family for themselves and their friends and family members. But, could it be that the fact that we are still talking about it means there is room on a territorial level for consideration? If the organization is uncertain or even not ready to be truly inclusive yet, but the door has not been closed completely, then there are many ways we can still move forward to explore possibilities. Maybe, there could be a commitment to a more methodical approach than it appears we have engaged in to this point such as: consulting with church organizations who have taken this journey ahead of us; dedicating resources to seriously exploring the increasing body of modern theological study, which includes thorough examination of the cultural and historical context, language and translation behind the commonly used texts which assert our "certainty" on these matters; conferencing and seeking a submission of experiential and research based papers and presentations; and, even acknowledging there is a possibility that our interpretation could perhaps benefit from other perspectives and approaches. If we are to be inclusive, we need to define what that term really means. If we are not willing to invite people to fully belong, then is that inclusion or just tolerance or paying lip service? Perhaps we can be courageous and learn from the past - the things that the Christian church did because of the complete confidence in an historical and what was assumed and taught to be a "correct" way of Scriptural interpretation (until it wasn’t anymore). There are so many examples including everything from slavery to the view of women, to inter-racial marriage, to colonization, to divorce and re-marriage. We have changed in the past. Even recently we have taken a stance on conversion therapy. We have grown in Grace and Knowledge. We can in the future as well.... if we want to. If, however, we cannot hold a humble stance and commit to a thoughtful approach, then we may be in a position of further damaging our reputation and reach, perhaps beyond repair. Partial inclusivity is an oxymoron. If it is not fully inclusive, then it is, in effect, exclusive.

On Wednesday, November 17, 2021, Timothy McPherson said:

The Salvation Army is decidedly not inclusive. Until people in the LGBTQ+ community can be active members and marry whomever they want, The Salvation Army will always be exclusive.

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