More than 60 delegates from across the Canada and Bermuda Territory came together for the 2024 Explore Your Call weekend in Richmond Hill, Ont., in October, motivated to learn about the call to ministry in The Salvation Army. From their initial welcome on Friday evening to the closing Sunday morning worship service, attendees were given the opportunity to intentionally experience God’s presence.

Mjr Carson Decker and Commissioners Graves pray together.
Mjr Carson Decker and Commissioners Debbie and Lee Graves pray together

Under the leadership of Major Carson Decker, territorial candidates secretary, and the candidates team, Explore Your Call was designed to offer space for people to discern what the Lord’s purpose is for their lives, and to explore if God is inviting them into full-time ministry or officership within The Salvation Army.

From early morning guided prayers to evening vespers, and everything in between, delegates actively participated and encountered God in a variety of ways, facilitated through worship, prayer, break-out sessions, teaching, and sharing together in meals and conversation.

Colonels John and Lani Chamness, chief secretary and territorial secretary for spiritual life development, spoke during the opening session. “The Holy Spirit will give you a greater awareness of his purpose for you, which will have eternal significance,” said Colonel Lani, which was reinforced by Colonel John’s teaching on Exodus 3:1-15.

People worshipping together.
Delegates worship together during an Explore Your Call service

A highlight of the weekend was hearing from retired international leaders, General Brian Peddle (Rtd) and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, who shared honestly and humourously about their great adventure in ministry. They told stories of the powerful evidence of God’s presence in their lives, and the provision and joy that comes from accepting and embracing the Lord’s plans as they continued to say “Yes!” to him.

“If God is calling you to full-time ministry, don’t stop to do anything else!” General Peddle said in an enthusiastic charge to delegates.

Saturday began with early morning prayer where delegates spent time answering the question, “What do you need from the Lord?”

Major Deana Zelinsky, training principal at the College for Officer Training, then challenged all attendees to be responsive to the deep needs they see in the world, expecting that the Lord’s call for workers is intended for them.

The weekend provided delegates an opportunity to learn from Salvation Army officers and discern God's calling in their own lives

Following a selection of break-out sessions in the afternoon, a panel of Salvation Army officers shared how they continue to live out their calling through the seasons and years, across the Canada and Bermuda Territory and beyond. The consistent message from panel participants included the steadfastness of their calling, the faithfulness of the Lord, and how the journeys have been both full and full of surprises.

On Saturday evening, Cadet Chesney Edwards testified to her own calling as she journeyed with God, trusting that he would equip her as she made herself available to him. “Instead of asking God, ‘Why me?’ now I ask, ‘God, how can you use me?’ ” she said.

The weekend concluded with Sunday morning worship where Commissioner Debbie Graves, territorial president of women’s ministries, gave a testimony using the theme, “Let me tell you about my Jesus.” She expressed that Jesus was seen and demonstrated through the lives and actions of people around her. Commissioner Lee Graves, territorial commander, then challenged delegates to take their eyes off the temporal and to give an unconditional “yes."

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