Two decades ago, I’d worked with Robin, a born leader—and very outspoken.

I did something ditzy one day: I called a customer by the wrong name. Robin asked me if I needed a “Stupid” sign to wear around my neck. I was shocked and hurt by what I considered a rude comment. After that, I avoided Robin. Until recently.

Praying for Grace

The church Robin attends had been without a full-time pastor for more than two years. When one of the board members heard I’d become ordained, they invited me to preach. I was thrilled. But I was also a bit intimidated. And nervous. Would Robin approach me after the worship service and make a hurtful remark?

I decided it was worth that risk. I remembered how Jesus once told His disciples, “If any of you want to be My followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24 Contemporary English Version).

I decided I wanted to follow Jesus more than I wanted to avoid criticism, so I prayed for grace.

Seeing Past the Surface

After the church service, I stood at the back and shook hands with everyone. I braced myself when Robin approached.

“Wow, Jeanette, that was one great message,” she said, gripping my hand and smiling all the way to her blue eyes. “I could listen to you all day!”

My heart swelled with thankfulness. Either Robin had mellowed over the years or I’d stopped taking myself so seriously. Or both.

When Jesus allowed Robin and me to see past the surface in each other, we both discovered hidden treasures. Because of His generous grace, Robin and I are now friends. And when she teases me, I laugh louder than anyone else.

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