(Above) “I started my senior year believing it would be the best year yet,” says Jenna Reid. “As the weeks progressed and cancellations grew, I realized that everything I had planned was not going to happen the way I had pictured. Instead, we were quarantined at home”
As a class of 2020 high school graduate, I think most students would agree that this year was the opposite of what we anticipated. I started my senior year believing it would be the best year yet. I love to plan, and I’m extremely goal oriented. As I envisioned the year ahead, there was so much to look forward to: starting a new job, attending the VOIT/SEE Territorial Youth Congress in Montreal in May, a family vacation, working out of province at summer camp, applying to university and, of course, prom! However, these were all pieces of my plan, and I didn’t leave much room for God’s.
My faith is of utmost importance in my life, and I try to remain spiritually grounded and display a Christlike attitude. One spiritual discipline that I find helpful is to write out my prayers. I recently found a prayer I wrote on March 8, five days before schools in my province shut down and the uncertainties of the pandemic hit. During that time, I was in a much different space spiritually, in comparison to where I am now. I couldn’t imagine what the days ahead would look like, for me, our church or the world in general, as we all dealt with a global pandemic. In my prayer, I asked God to encourage me to read my Bible and pray more. I thought it would result in something simple, such as reading the daily verse that my Bible app sends out each day. However, God answered that request with a greater plan in mind.

Hours of Bible journaling have reminded me that Jesus’ love and mercy is found in weakness, that our hardships are temporary as we are promised a perfect eternity in Christ and that God can bring good out of all circumstances.

God has also spoken to me through the Psalms, which contain a lot about worship and praising God through music and singing. I believe it’s a powerful outlet to experience spiritual growth. I’ve grown up playing in brass bands, as a member of the singing company, songsters and chorus, and attending music camps. Music has been an important part of my spiritual life. I listen to worship music because it’s an easy way for me to feel close to God. I even bought a guitar during this pandemic (via curbside pickup). It felt like something God wanted me to do, so I responded. Learning this new skill and singing worship songs is one way I have felt God’s Spirit.
As a 2020 graduate, both my senior year and prom day looked much different than I had anticipated. My plan for the summer is also different than what I had hoped for. I started university before I officially graduated from high school, and the fall semester will take place online rather than on campus. However, I wouldn’t change a thing because of the personal and spiritual growth I’ve experience as I have learned the importance of “letting go and letting God.” He has a much greater plan than what I could ever try and create for myself. My senior yearbook quote was “and she got through with Jesus and coffee.” Turns out that carries a lot of truth, even in a pandemic.
Jenna Reid attends St. John’s Temple, N.L
On Thursday, December 31, 2020, Natalia said:
On Saturday, July 4, 2020, Deana R. said:
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