Kenya has faced many challenges, including drought, hunger, malnutrition and poverty. But due to a lack of rainfall in 2021-2022, the conditions in many drought-prone areas significantly deteriorated, with life-threatening implications.

In addition to drought, the cost of necessities also increased, which further impacted the food supply for households and families. Schools reported a high number of dropouts and missed classes due to poor health linked to malnutrition among students. Long dry spells affected access to safe, clean drinking water and, as a result, people were forced to buy water at high prices or walk extremely long distances in search of it. The agricultural landscape worsened as farmers could simply not afford to irrigate their crops properly and had no choice but to watch helplessly as their crops dried up in the scorching sun. 

The Salvation Army works with local leaders to deliver supplies to schools, helping to sustain children’s education and well-being amid the drought conditions

Responding to Need

The Salvation Army Kenya East Territory recognized there was great need and desperately wanted to make a difference in the lives of the people impacted by such devastating circumstances. A mission of compassion and respect unfolded as the Army carried out a holistic approach where human need was met, hope restored and a message of God’s love declared.

The Salvation Army responded to the urgent need by implementing a three-month food relief and hygiene program for 142 communities and 24 schools. Army personnel worked together throughout the territory, utilizing church halls as community food distribution centres and organizing deliveries of emergency aid to far-reaching areas.

Food and hygiene parcels contained the basics; maize, beans, cooking oil and essential nutritious items used to cook healthy meals for children and families every day for three months. Hygiene kits included three bars of soap, enabling the continuation of COVID-19 measures and personal hygiene tasks, which are of high importance and cannot be overestimated in preventing the spread of disease. Funding was also provided for the drilling of a bore hole in Isiolo to ensure access to clean useable water in that community.

“The Salvation Army provided food relief for my family for three months, giving me a break from the everyday struggle of trying to keep my family alive.” HELLEN

Mission Accomplished

After just the first month, reports trickled in from communities and schools of the positive impact. Individuals were showing signs of becoming healthier and stronger. The food received provided nourishment and inspired hope as communities rallied in a strong display of resilience. 

With new hope and determination, farmers began the process of cultivating their farmland. Thankfully after a few months, rain returned to the region and crops began to grow again. The Salvation Army continues to work with community leaders and farmers, providing education on agriculture and sustainable farming practices. Parents and teachers expressed gratitude and shared stories of smiles on the faces of children because they knew there would be porridge during snack time and nutritious food for lunch. Children were able to remain in school where they could continue to learn without the discomfort of agonizing hunger pains. 

Hellen, a mother of four, expressed her deepest gratitude. 

“The Salvation Army provided food relief for my family for three months, giving me a break from the everyday struggle of trying to keep my family alive,” she says. “It motivated me to continue to hunt for more ways of earning a living to support my children because I had food in the house and my children had full bellies.” 

The Salvation Army Kenya East Territory worked diligently to provide basic needs for those affected by drought, to save lives, reduce hunger and improve food security for at least three months. 

The result of their dedication to the project was that many lives were saved, hunger was reduced during the time period, and households and schools in the region experienced food security. 

The collective goal of The Salvation Army Kenya East Territory and its many partners, including The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory, is to alleviate the stress and strain on communities and individuals experiencing hunger and to provide hope in the knowledge that their hardship is not overlooked. 

Major Elaine Locke is the project campaign manager for The Salvation Army’s international development department.

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