The Bible teaches that when we turn from our old ways and into the new life, we become transformed into God’s image. We’ve turned from our own ways of decision-making to living a new life for God following His way. “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun” (2 Corinthians 5:17 New Living Translation).

But what happens after that? 

We are still the same person, but our thoughts have been completely renewed. We experience peace, grace, new life, a sense of forgiveness toward people, and so much more.

Missing Piece

I recall what my life was like prior to my decision to become a Christian.

I was making my way around the world in which I lived just fine. I loved the nightlife and lived for the weekends to hang out at the bars with my friends. There were many times that I even had strong desires to own my very own nightclub! It didn’t come to fruition, but it was still a dream. As I reflect, it’s hard to believe I even entertained the thought of building on my former dream.

That was me! That was my life that I enjoyed.

That was then.

Now that I look back, I realize how lonely I was at times. It’s true what people say when they have an encounter with God: “There was that missing piece in my life.”

“I’m Still Me”

I remember walking into a nightclub one evening to see my daughters, Sharlene and Jolene, who are singers, perform live on stage in front of a packed audience.

Walking in through the doors of this nightclub was eerie, to say the least. I walked past a roaring crowd of intoxicated people clanging beer glasses to find a place near the stage.

While I enjoyed the performance, I knew it was no longer a place for me to frequent. The new me wasn’t comfortable in that setting. Sometimes I chuckle as I reflect because I never thought this new lifestyle would ever occur.

My friends certainly missed the old me and, as a result, I spent time with them less frequently.

The result of this change, though, was involvement in church activities and new opportunities. I’ve developed leadership skills, and I’ve started a new career. I’m still me with a different outlook on life. 

My sister once said to me, “Jan, you’re still a party animal, but just in a different party.” 

It’s true. I continue to be the upbeat jovial person that I am, but life takes on a new meaning when you learn and grow in the knowledge of God.I belong to Him, and God is near to me to provide peace and joy always.

Will any of my family and friends understand the new me? JANICE KEATS

“Come as You Are”

The Bible says to be transformed by the renewing of your mind (see Romans 12:1). We know we can’t go back to infancy and start over again. But we can begin a new life in Christ at any time when the decision is made. This newly changed life with God will lead us in all truth and righteous living.

What does it mean to be changed? Spiritually speaking, it is allowing God to have all there is of me. It is building a relationship, getting to know Him through reading His Word and discovering the message of love and eternal life. 

When these changes occur, our old lifestyle is no longer the same. Why would it be? The transformation has taken place. 

But what does that mean, really? Can I remain as I am? Will my mind be totally renewed? Or do I become transformed at the point of my surrender to God? Will any of my family and friends understand the new me?

“My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So, I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20 New Living Translation).

As a new Christian, I will lack no good thing. God says to come as you are. “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

He dwells within us. Therefore, we have companionship, guidance and eternal life as a new focus. We meet, we engage together in prayer, and He is always within reach. He speaks to us through His Word and through prayer. He is our trusted friend, and He promises so much as we live for Him.

Janice Keats is the emergency disaster services trainer for The Salvation Army’s Atlantic Division. Residing in Conception Bay South, N.L., she has authored three books and is actively engaged in sharingher faith story.

Photo: Courtesy of Janice Keats

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