(Above) Lt-Col Wanda Vincent, TSWM, Kenya West Tty, with children from a Salvation Army school in Kakamega Div, Kenya West Tty (Photos: Joel Johnson)
The name Kenya evokes dreams of adventure—touring the wild grasslands of the Maasai Mara National Reserve; weaving through herds of elephants, giraffes and zebras; watching animals come to drink at a watering hole, acacia trees framed in the setting sun.
For many of us, these experiences would be a dream come true. And rightly so—they are truly magical. For many in Kenya, their dreams are smaller. The Salvation Army’s work there happens in the background, as it does in so many places around the world—meeting the needs of the disadvantaged, the disabled, the poor and the forgotten. Choosing what to highlight is to inevitably leave so many things out. Love and hope abound—from Mombasa on the east coast to the streets of Nairobi; from the lush hills fed by the tributaries of Lake Victoria in the west to the arid, desolate Turkana region in the north. The work is not easy there; it is trying and, at times, dangerous.
As a photographer travelling with the world missions department, it’s easy to document poverty and hardship. But what has always affected me most is the dedication and determination that grows from hope. It is amazing what people can achieve when given opportunities. With the support of the Canada and Bermuda Territory, a great number of people now have access to education, employment and health care. I hope that as you look at these photos, you will focus not on how much still needs to be done, but on how much has already been accomplished.
The Mombasa Central Corps is located in the most densely populated Muslim community in the city. In the past, the corps has been subject to vandalism and arson
Today, Mombasa Central Corps is thriving and works with the community’s elders to create and strengthen the relationships around them
Kibera, an informal settlement outside Nairobi, is the largest urban slum in the world. The population is estimated at more than one million, with most people earning less than $1 per day
Despite the poor living conditions, people in Kibera are incredibly resourceful. Cpt Titus Kithinji, CO at Kibera Corps, visits a woman selling charcoal for fuel
Lt Richard Bradbury and his wife, Lt Heidi Bradbury, have dedicated themselves to working for The Salvation Army, with various posts in Africa. Now appointed to the Kenya East Tty, they manage economic development and health programs
Children play at The Salvation Army’s nursery school at the Kibera Corps complex
While the children are in school, their mothers gather to create crafts to sell at the market, with materials provided by the Kibera Corps
Pamela is one of the mothers helped by the Kibera Corps. With the income she generates, she is able to feed her family of 10, pay her rent and put her daughter in school. Without the support of The Salvation Army, she would have few options
Cpt Geoffrey Muyoma, project officer for Kenya West Tty, meets with farmers in a rural area
A Salvation Army mother and child health program at the Kolanya Health Centre provides pre- and post-natal care, education for new mothers about nutrition and preventing disease, and mobile medical clinics
Micro-finance groups empower women by providing small loans and teaching business skills, increasing family income. They also foster support and accountability among the women
Lt-Cols Wanda and Morris Vincent, TSWM and CS, Kenya West Tty, meet with members of a pastoral community to understand the hardships they face and offer assistance
The Turkana region, in northern Kenya, borders South Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda. It’s a desolate place that has seen extreme drought this past year and, as a result, pastoral communities have lost their herds, forcing many to flee the area. However, the town of Kakuma is home to one of the world’s largest refugee camps. While some flee, others arrive, displaced by conflict in their own countries
Education is empowering individuals Indonesia, giving people hope for a better future by breaking the cycle of poverty and inequality, building a brighter tomorrow for communities devastated by poverty, illness and natural disasters.
Let’s learn how to harness generative AI for positive purposes and safeguard individuals and communities from its harms. We can’t afford to wait any longer.
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