Sarah-Ève Moreau attends l’Église Communautaire Nouveaux Départs in Montreal and is the youth ministries co-ordinator for the province of Quebec. She shares how God spoke to her during a dark time and is helping her become a better leader.

Tell us a little about yourself.
I grew up in a little town in Quebec, but we moved frequently. My parents were so involved in church when I was young that sometimes we even slept there! My brothers and I were exposed to a life of service early on, and it still follows me today. Sometimes my husband, kid and I sleep at church now! 

How did you come to faith in Christ?
I grew up in a Christian home, but my faith became really mine when I was 14, after the first summer I worked at the Army’s Camp Lac l’Achigan in Quebec. When I came back home, I was depressed. I didn’t have a lot of Christian friends, so I was feeling very lonely. I could spend a whole day in my room by myself. It was a dark time. One night, I prayed to God and said, If you exist, prove it to me. In a whisper, God showed up. He told me: Even if you were alone on earth, I would still go to the cross for only you, because I love you. At that moment, I felt something different in my heart. My joy came back, and I was not afraid to stand for God at school or at church. This sentence is still in my mind every day.

What has carried you through when life doesn’t go as planned or when God seems absent?
When God seems absent, I remember that he is sovereign. I remember that God is not against me. I remember what God did in my past and I can tell he is still present. God has done miracles in my life that nobody could do or fathom. Even if God seems absent in my life, he is not absent. It’s like the sun: we don’t always see or feel the heat of the sun, but it is still there.

Where are you experiencing God at work in your life these days?
Right now, God is training me to be a good leader. I’m not a natural leader. I’m more of an introverted person who can experience social anxiety, but God is the best teacher. He is teaching me a lot about leadership through the Book of Nehemiah.

What inspires you about The Salvation Army?
What inspires me about The Salvation Army is that we feed the needy, we are friends to the sinner, we visit people in prison and we give dignity to the one who has lost everything. In these aspects, we show Jesus and we love Jesus. 

What is your role with The Salvation Army?
First, it’s to be a Jesus lover! If this role is not fulfilled, my other roles are not worth mentioning. After that, I’m the youth co-ordinator for the province of Quebec. I’m the person who gives resources for kids and youth ministries to the Salvation Army churches in Montreal. I love to do ministry with kids and youth, because they are thirsty to know the truth. I love to see them grow. Some of the kids who were my campers now have their own babies!

What’s the most inspiring place you’ve visited?
I love to travel. One of my dreams when I was growing up was to be a missionary. I participated in Revolution Hawaii, a discipleship program with The Salvation Army in the United States, and saw the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I stayed in Lahaina, on the island of Maui, for a month, and it was the best time of my stay in Hawaii. The people were so kind. I still wear a sunrise shell necklace that a stranger gave me, eight years later. 

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