Annual Reviews

(Last Updated: January 29, 2025)

The Annual Mission Impact Review (AMIR) is a valuable and essential process whereby Corps Officers, local leaders and Area Commanders (ACs) evaluate and set priority goals for the ministry unit. It is also your annual opportunity to update all of your membership rolls (transfers, enrolments, promotions to glory, removals).  Your AC will be available to quide you through this process during their onsite visit.

Key Components of the AMIR:
  1. Connection with Area Commander:

    • Area Commanders  will schedule schedule an onsite visit with each corps to discuss your ministry's progress, challenges, and support needs. AC's must also do rolls revisions with the CO at this time and meet with the local leaders to coach, encourage, and support you and them toward a healthy future for your corps.
    • Use this time to share what God is doing in and through your corps, highlight strengths, discuss challenges, and explore ways the division and territory can offer support.
    • Gather together with the AC and local leaders in prayer for your corps.
  2. Narrative Input - Questionnaire:

    • After the in-person meeting with the AC, COs may fine tune, or make any necessary adjustments to the detailed responses to the questions in the AMIR questionnaire that was previously drafted. Responses may be saved and submissions may be edited if needed after the in-person visit with the AC.
    • Examples are provided within the questionnaire to guide your discussion and capture key insights.
  3. Uploading Local Action Plan and Growth History Report:

    • Ensure you upload the most current version of your corps' Local Action Plan.
    • Additionally, upload your 2024 Growth History Report, verifying that all data is up-to-date.

Step-by-Step Guide for Corps Officers/Leaders:
  1. Preparation:

  2. In-Person Meeting:

    • Engage in a meaningful discussion with your Area Commander, reflecting on ministry highlights, areas for growth, and opportunities to optimize impact.
    • Consider inviting your Ministry Board or local leaders to participate.
    • Secure adequate time during the visit to review all of your rolls and discuss with the AC which names need to remain on the roll, be added to the roll, or to be removed from the roll.  Supporting documents should be available for every adjustment you wish to make. This process sometimes takes longer than you might anticipate.
    • Involve your Pastoral Care Council in these decisions and discussions
  3. Complete the AMIR Form:

    • Access and thoughtfully finalize the answer to all questions in the Annual Mission Impact Review 2024 Form, reflecting on spiritual health, membership growth, mission impact, challenges, and support needs.
    • Upload your Action Plan and Growth History Report.
    • Submit the form by the specified, on or before April 30, 2025 deadline.

Step-by-Step Guide for Area Commanders:
  1. Preparation:

    • Schedule an in-person meeting with the Corps Officer(s) in your area. Be sure to allow sufficient time in your visit to complete the annual rolls revisions, and to meet with the local officers as well as the COs.  This may require an evening in addition to a portion of the day
    • Familiarize yourself with the Corps Officer's previous Action Plan and Growth History Report.
  2. In-Person Meeting:

    • Conduct a reflective discussion focusing on leadership, congregational health, community impact, and alignment with their Action Plan.
    • Complete a thorough revision of the 5 primary rolls (Senior Soldier, Junior Soldier, Senior Recruits, Adherents, and Friends) ensuring that all names and numbers are reconciled and that all necessary entries (additions and removals) have been made in SAMIS.

    • Make every effort to meet with local Ministry Board members as well.
  3. Complete the Post-Meeting Form:

    • Access and provide detailed reflections in the Area Commander's AMIR Post-Meeting Form on strengths, challenges, and recommended supports for the Corps Officer(s) and their ministry.
    • Submit your summary form promptly after the meeting to ensure timely follow-up.

Important Dates & Notes:
  • Deadlines: Ensure all meetings and forms are completed and submitted by April 30, 2025.
  • Confidentiality: All responses will remain confidential and are used solely to enhance ministry support.
  • Support: For technical assistance or questions, email
  • Growth History Report: Refer to this guide for instructions on obtaining your Growth History Report.

Following the submission of all reviews, the Territorial Headquarters (THQ) Corps Mission will compile a divisional summary of the Annual Mission Impact Reviews. This summary, to be provided to our divisional partners by the end of June 2025, will help identify trends, celebrate successes, and address common challenges across ministries.

Thank you for your thoughtful participation in this important process to strengthen our collective mission!

2024 AMIR FAQ's

Your responses will be saved as you progress. Please note, if you clear your browsing history, your responses may be deleted. After submission, you may also go back and edit your responses if needed. We recommend you have your responses emailed to you at the end of the form. Using the link in the email is the most reliable way to return to your saved entries. You may want to do a first draft of the AMIR questions before your Area Commander visits, and then, following your discussion with him/her and your local leadership go back to your original answers and make any necessary edits or updates.

No, but AC's may ask COs for a copy of their draft if they wish prior to their meeting. Upon submission of the final copy following the in-person meeting with the AC, we recommend the CO share their submission with their AC.

While it is extremely valuable to get input from various leaders in your corps and this can it is suggested this be done through sharing the questions (see list above), or through during one of your regular meetings together, only one submission is required for a corps. One officer/ministry unit leader should take responsibility of completing the on-line form. If corps wish.

The completion date for the online form is April 30, 2025, at the latest. The SAMIS data entry deadline is January 31, 2025. If your AC is not able to sign off on all of your roll revisions before January 31, you are still able to make the necessary updates and entries in SAMIS, however, your updated numbers will not be included in our IHQ report for 2024.

YES, you can!

YES! An annual revision of your 5 primary rolls is required and must be completed on or before the completion of your AMIR. When the AC visits your corps, he/she will review the names on each of your primary rolls: Senior Soldier, Senior Recruits, Adherents, Friends, and Junior Soldiers. All documentation for additions and removals must be presented to the AC in order for them to "sign off" on each roll. The number of names on each roll must reconcile with the number of members that you have entered into SAMIS. Promotions to Glory, transfers and enrolments are straightforward removals or additions to any roll. However, for members in question due to conduct, attendance or unknown whereabouts, the AC will assist you in determining whether that name can be removed. Adjustments to your roll numbers in SAMIS that do not require AC approval should be made by January 31, if possible. Adjustments to roll numbers after that date will not be included in the Territorial report to IHQ for 2024.