Spiritual Growth & Development

Disciple-making ministries provide opportunities for those who have placed their trust in Jesus to deepen their faith and closeness in that relationship. Opportunities for spiritual growth and development encourage and facilitate individuals to develop a rhythm of life centred in Jesus, and to be part of intentional and healthy communities of faith and practice, learning and growing together. Discipleship is not a solo journey, but one that is shared with and focused on others.

You Said Yes

You said yes to Jesus. Now what’s next?

This book is organized into 21 days, but feel free to go at the pace that best helps you grow. You might finish this book in 100 days, 21 days, or a week. You might even keep reading it over and over. Finishing the book is less important than finding direction, growing in confidence, and starting conversations with others about what you’re learning.Following Jesus is a process of taking next steps, one day at a time. We’re thrilled to join you!