Corps Resources

Music and Gospel Arts Resources 

Click here for COVID-19 Worship/Music Resources

The Music and Gospel Arts team is committed to resourcing and supporting both the corps and social services ministries during these days of isolation when physical gatherings are restricted. To that end, MAGA has produced resources to aid in creating online worship services (including pre-made song videos with lyrics, instructional videos on how to film your message, CCLI considerations etc.), audio hymn programs that can be distributed to shut-ins through our community care ministries, and other educational resources to assist in continuing your music programs with your youth and musicians. The attached MAGA COVID-19 RESOURCES document provides a brief visual snapshot of the resources and how you can access them all. For further information, you can also contact Craig Lewis, Territorial Secretary for Music and Gospel Arts, at

SA Ministry Resources 

Click here for some helpful information for corps and community and family services.

Youth Ministry Resources

Remote Kids Ministry Care Package (pre-school to elementary): video lesson, devotional, printable place mats and teaching guide. Download here.

Click here for our Ready@Home resources where we have curated a list of resources for both leaders and families. 

Tips for online video

With many Salvation Army centres unable to gather together at the moment, you may be thinking about whether you could provide an online alternative. This is an exciting opportunity not only to reach regular congregations, but also those who might not normally enter our buildings. Click here to read more...

Best Practices for Safe Digital Discipleship

Click here for guidelines on best practices for safe digital discipleship to protect both the people you minister to and yourself as you engage in digital interactions.  

Pastoral Services Resources

Friends, you are probably at the point of resource fatigue. Our suggestion this week is for you to seek out 10 minutes in an effort to find quiet, both internally and externally.

This will benefit your whole self: emotions, thoughts, spirit and body.

COVID-19 has produced a lot of uncertainty. Daily we are being faced with questions about how to best keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. See below for a list of helpful resources for this season of uncertainty that attend to body, mind, and spirit. 

1) Renewing our Minds

  • For those working at home and trying to figure it all out, its even important to create a transition ritual, a cue for your mind and body to shift gears at the end of your work day. Perhaps this is the time to finish your work day with a quick walk, read one chapter of that book on the shelf, a cup of tea, a phone call to a loved one or shut in, change into some comfy clothes, or listen to a podcast or favourite song. Whatever it is, do something that signals the shift from work-life to home-life. Your mind and body will thank you.

2) Our Emotional World

3) Our Spiritual Selves

  • Here's a podcast from Dr. Dan Allender asking, "How much are we going to operate out of fear, and how much out of love"? Listen Here 
  • From Ruth Haley Barton at the comes an invitation from God for this season, "I am inviting you to craft the minutes and hours of your days so there is some time for us to listen and commune together. I am calling you to establish sacred rhythms for this season because I am longing to be with you and we may never pass this way again." Read Here 
  • From Pete Scazzero, author of ‘Emotionally Healthy Spirituality’, comes a timely podcast ‘Journeying through the collective Dark Night of the Soul’ and offers 7 things that God might be doing and want to do in us. Listen Here

3) Taking Care of Our Bodies

  • You may need to remind your body what it actually feels like to relax . So, for adults, I recommend this version of Progressive Muscle Relaxation, which is meant to be practiced regularly in order to benefit the most. Watch Here
  • For those of you wanting to teach your children how to calm or soothe themselves here is a children's version. Please watch it yourself first to make sure it is right for you and your child. Watch Here
  • Try a new app! Our recommendation is Headspace! They’ve created ‘Sleepcast’ that uses sound and visualization to create the perfect atmosphere for healthy, restful sleep. Watch Here 

4) Parenting

  • You may have a child at home and you notice that what used to be 'anxious thinking' has grown into a need for excessive reassurance.  Here is a good article from that will guide you through this. It may seem counterintuitive not to give as much reassurance as they need. However, there is a case for monitoring when and how you give reassurance so that you don't end up feeding the anxiety. Read Here

5) Courses

  • Mental Health

    • Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries –  has created an 8 Session small group online course (including videos & workbook) designed to get people talking about mental health from psychological, social and theological perspectives.  It’s available as a free download until May 31st with the Code: MENTAL HEALTH

      The Sanctuary Course offers take-aways like: the Mental Health Continuum,  (session 2) a model which tells us that mental illness is just one factor among many when it comes to understanding mental health. Each of us will experience periods of languishing and flourishing over the course of our lives, whether or not we have a mental illness. This course also offers answers to questions like – ‘Where does Mental Illness come from?’ (session 3),  and ‘Where does the stigma of Mental Health come from? (Session 4)