There is great concern globally in reference to the H1N1 Swine Influenza outbreak in Mexico. Individuals affected by this virus have been found not only in North America but also in countries on other continents.

“As The Salvation Army serves in 500 communities across Canada, this outbreak may have far reaching effect on our congregations, staff, social service ministries and those we serve,” says Major Rick Shirran, Territorial Emergency Disaster Services Director. “The executive administration at our territorial headquarters has found it necessary to bring this issue to the attention of our ministry units in an effort to increase the level of awareness.”

All ministry units have been asked to review their divisional and local pandemic plans; make contact with and stay in contact with local Public Health Authorities; and put in place health and safety protocols which are outlined by the Public Health Agency of Canada to help in minimizing the effects of the virus.

At this time, the Public Health Agency of Canada is encouraging individuals to check their website and local health authorities for direction as to virus symptoms and individual precautions.

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