picture-285For over 50 years children have visited Pine Lake Camp in the Alberta and Northern Territories Division to learn about the extreme makeover God can do in their lives.

This year the camp facilities also received an extreme makeover. On August 8, 2009, Commissioners William W. and Marilyn D. Francis, territorial leaders, opened and dedicated four new camper accommodations, which each feature sleeping quarters for 32 campers, a program area and a tornado shelter. The camp is located in what is known as tornado alley and each year there are several tornados that touch down in the area. When the new facilities were being designed, it was determined that these should be as safe as possible.

ribbon-cuttingFor several years campers have been making do with temporary accommodations in tents, bunk houses made out of the craft hut and portable washrooms. As such, it was exciting to see the smiles on the faces of campers and faculty as they arrived for the annual music camp.

The music camp faculty band and campers were dressed in lime green T-shirts that displayed the theme for the week: Extreme Makeover–Camp Edition. In addition to the official ribbon cutting for the camper accommodations, Commissioner Francis installed Majors Fred and Wendy Waters as the new divisional leaders for the Alberta and Northern Territories.

On Sunday, August 9, Commissioners Francis joined with the music camp for their worship service. In his challenge to the camp, the Territorial Commander used the words from Acts 17:28a: “For in him we live and move and have our being.”

During the service Major Fred Waters installed several new members of the divisional team: Captain Bram Pearce, divisional youth secretary; Major Sandra Stokes, area commander; and Captain Pam Goodyear, divisional secretary for public relations and development.

We rejoice for what God has done and has yet to do at Pine Lake Camp.

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