Here is the territorial prayer guide for the month of September.

September 1-5
Focus on the New School Year

1 Pray for children attending school for the first time and those moving to new schools
2 Pray for young adults attending post-
secondary institutions
3 Pray for parents as they adjust to their children's schedules
4 Pray that God will grant teachers wisdom as they prepare to meet their students
5 Pray for school administrators, school boards and the provincial ministries of education as they provide policies, environments and resources to facilitate student learning

September 6-12
Focus on Work and Ministry

6 Pray for those facing stressful situations due to job loss or reduction of hours, and for the unemployed
7 Pray for safe workplaces where all people are treated respectfully
8 Pray for the cadets of the Prayer Warriors Session as they begin their second year of officer training
9 Pray for the first-year cadets of the Ambassadors of Holiness Session: Cdts Josh Downer and Jason Waters
10 Pray for Cdts Sharyl Lowry-Marriott, Kyla McKenzie, Joyce Wilson and Jaclyn Wynne
11 Pray for Cdts Chris and Tonia Street and Darren Woods
12 Pray for Cdts Peter and Grace Kim and their three children

September 13-19
Focus on the Alberta and Northern Territories Division

13 Pray for the new divisional leaders, Mjrs Fred and Wendy Waters, and their team
14 Pray for the youth together event (Sept 25-27) and its focus on prospective candidates
15 Pray for workers who are giving support to people experiencing financial hardships
16 Pray for human trafficking awareness, education and initiatives
17 Pray for rural ministry effectiveness and sustainability
18 Pray that many people will be won for Christ
19 Pray for the assimilation of newcomers into our congregations

September 20-26
Focus on Living the Vision: We envision a discipled people

20 Ask the Lord for a deeper understanding of what it means to be his follower
21 Pray for the growth of prayer and Bible study groups through which people can explore God's Word and its relevance to their lives
22 Pray for grace to genuinely live out your faith
23 Pray for continued development of community with other Christians
24 Seek God's guidance on how to integrate spiritual disciplines into your life
25 Pray that every Salvationist will be a vibrant follower of Jesus
26 Pray for two people in your life: someone you are helping to grow in Christ and someone who is helping you on your faith journey

September 27-30
Focus on Canada Ablaze

27 On October 30, the Olympic torch begins a 106-day journey from Vancouver to St. John's, N. L., and back. Pray for the safety of those participating in this run
28 Pray for municipal leaders of celebration communities hosting the Olympic torch run
29 Pray for the More Than Gold mission teams engaging in outreach and service before, during and after the Vancouver Olympics
30 Pray that as the torch moves across Canada, Christians will be renewed by the fire of the Holy Spirit

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