September 25-27, 2009 is The Salvation Army's annual Weekend of Prayer for Victims of Sex Trafficking. This year's commemoration is entitled “More Precious Than Silver” (“Plus Precieux Que l'Argent.”) Salvation Army corps and social institutions across Canada & Bermuda will be taking time to remember and pray for women and children who have been bought and sold for the purposes of sexual exploitation.

“When we pray, we move our feet,” (Kenyan proverb). To kick-off the weekend, there is a Territory-wide prayer walk happening. According to Got Questions Ministries, prayer walking is the practice of praying on location, a type of intercessory prayer that involves walking to or near a particular place while praying. On Friday, September 25, 2009, across Canada and Bermuda, Salvationists and friends of The Salvation Army are encouraged to come together and walk around their communities and neighbourhoods, praying about human trafficking, with a special emphasis on remembering the victims.

The anti-trafficking committee in London, Ontario has been doing a prayer walk for victims of sex trafficking since 2007 and now they are encouraging the whole Ontario Great Lakes Division to participate. “The division is hoping to mobilize prayer walks in each city to commence at 7 pm and last for about an hour. Ministry Units will join together in geographical areas in order to pray silently across the street from specific target destinations, such as the police station, strip where women walk to sell themselves, strip club, porn/adult entertainment shop, and massage parlour,” explains Major Rene Loveless, Area Commander for Lake Erie Region. Of course, prayer walkers are not spectators trying to see a show. They must be discreet and should avoid making a spectacle and/or creating possible confrontations with the public or persons from the commercial sex industry. The idea is not to have placards or judgment but rather silent (and yet powerful) intercession on behalf of sex trafficking victims. Whenever possible, the leaders of the prayer walks will be people who are known and have already built relationships in those neighbourhoods.

Salvationists and friends of The Salvation Army will join together, and walk to these locations in their cities, praying silently as they walk and also when they reach each of the destinations. “There will also be a prayer room set up at one of the corps. In this room, prayer stations will be set up so that those who are unable to walk easily can still join us in prayer,” elaborates Michele Hines, divisional anti-trafficking network representative. “In the Ontario Great Lakes Division this year, we are having a silent prayer walk with candles. Our focus Scripture passage is Matthew 10:26-31 – 'There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known...' One of the greatest obstacles we seem to face in Canada regarding human trafficking is its exposure. It is well hidden, and so we will ask God for the hidden prisoners to be revealed,” explains Ruth Gillingham, prayer walk organizer.

Prayer walks are a great way for Christians to be a living, walking presence in the community. Prayers asking God to intervene become more real as you are in locations where you can actually see the needs before you. Please consider organizing a prayer walk for victims of sex trafficking in your community on Friday, September 25, 2009.

For prayer walk guidelines, prayer stations, and more information on the Territory-wide prayer walk please visit

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