At the 2010 Canadian Church Press Awards, The Salvation Army's Salvationist and Faith & Friends magazines were recognized for excellence. Salvationist received six awards, and Faith & Friends four awards.

Salvationist Magazine

Editorial – Magazine
First Place

A Christmas of Firsts (December 2009)
Author: Major Jim Champ
Editors: John McAlister and Geoff Moulton

Department – Magazine
First Place

Talking it Over: Eight is Enough (May 2009), Erasing Memories (June 2009), Monkey Business (July 2009)
Authors: Dr. James Read and Captain Amy Reardon
Editors: Geoff Moulton and John McAlister

Theological Reflection
Second Place

An Army of Salvation (May 2009)
Author: Lt-Colonel Richard Munn
Editors: John McAlister and Geoff Moulton

First Place

Ministry of Presence
Author: John McAlister interviews Major Barbara Champ, Captain Brenda Hammond and Major Roy Dueck
Editors: John McAlister and Geoff Moulton

Biographical Profile
Second Place

Water Works
Author: Ken Ramstead
Editors: Geoff Moulton and John McAlister

Colour Photo Spread – Magazine
Second Place

Tanzania: A People of Promise (February 2009)
Photographer: Art and Sophie Nickel
Designer: Timothy Cheng

Faith & Friends

Opinion Piece
Second Place

Tolle Tales
Author: Alex Newman

Biographical Profile
First Place

Safe at Home and the Freedom of Forgiveness
Author: Jayne Thurber-Smith
Editors: Ken Ramstead and Geoff Moulton

Original Artwork
Third Place

My Doubting Dad
Artist: Dennis Currie

General Excellence – Specialized Magazine
Second Place

September, October and November 2009
Designer: Brandon Laird
Editors: Ken Ramstead and Geoff Moulton


On Sunday, May 23, 2010, Tweets that mention Salvation Army Magazines Recognized for Excellence : The Salvation Army | -- said:

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by, SalvationArmyOshawa. SalvationArmyOshawa said: RT @Salvationist: Salvation Army Magazines Recognized for Excellence: The Canadian Church Press presents six awards to Salvationist ... [...]

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