The Prostitution Awareness & Action Foundation of Edmonton (PAAFE) awards 10 men each year with their Men of Honour award. This award celebrates men who are exceptional role models or leaders in their community. These men, chosen from public nominations, are recognized for their achievements in fostering respect, encouraging healthy relationships, creating positive opportunities, respecting vulnerable children and adults and providing inspiration.

Major Roy Langer was nominated for this award by Dean McKellar, from the City of Edmonton Community Services. This nomination, along with letters of support from Sandi Misselbrook, chair of the NGO, as well as Provincial Disaster Social Services representatives in Fort McMurray, Calgary, Grande Prairie and Medicine Hat highlighted the exemplary work that Major Roy Langer does in the community, while representing The Salvation Army with various groups.

In his nomination, McKellar speaks to Roy's commitment to others. “You would not know of the time and care Roy shares with those who live their days on our own streets,” explains McKellar “Roy quietly and dependably goes about this work walking with and helping other through times of need. As Roy is a champion for others he is a champion to his own. He is the rock that many lean on.”

The award ceremony was held on April 16th, at the Men of Honour Gala. Edmonton Police Chief, Mike Boyd presented awards to all the recipients of this prestigious honour. On receipt of this award, Major Langer spoke without hesitation of his Saviour Jesus, and the grace of Jesus in his own life that motivates him to serve whoever comes across his path.

In his closing comments about Major Langer, McKellar added, “Roy is a humble man who brings much experience and wisdom to his day to day efforts. Roy shares his life learning's in a way that invites participation and at the same time normalizes the human experience. He is a genuine caring and giving man who holds a deep concern for the well being of others.”

Major Roy Langer is the Divisional Disaster Services Director for Alberta & Northern Territories Division. In this role, he oversees The Salvation Army's Emergency & Disaster response for the division, as well as training Salvation Army officers, employees and volunteers in Salvation Army emergency response. Major Langer is chaplain to the RCMP Leduc Detachment, The Edmonton International Airport and the City of Edmonton. He also is involved with crisis intervention for first responders and agencies throughout Alberta.


On Friday, June 11, 2010, David Thompson said:

I am proud to know Roy personally and work with him in several situations in the past both when he was in PEI and in Hyx, NS. He has always been a man of conviction and dedication to the work of the Lord and The Salvation Army. I cannot think of any other man who is deserving of such an award. May the Lord continue to bless, guide and use you Roy in the years to come to reach out to the lose and needy people in our society. God bless and strengthen you and give you godly courage.

Your friend always
David W. Thompson

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