From the thought-provoking morning prayer meeting led by Captain Matt Clifton (UK Territory with the Republic of Ireland) and delegates of the pre-convention events, Time to be Holy 458 and Serve 24/ 7, to the celebratory 'After Glow' late night event, the unexpected was always just a moment away.
Laughter, emanating from joyous interaction between delegates, has become a wonderful 'normal' part of convention life throughout the grounds and in the halls of the University of Stockholm.

Delegates are making friends, soaking up all that happens at the sessions and taking every possible opportunity to celebrate enthusiastically being one in Christ Jesus with their fellow Salvationists from all over the world.
Despite the Swedish summer heat, the grassed outdoor tent town interaction, concert and exhibition area was a focal point for delegates between sessions on the second day.
The day commenced with a combined prayer meeting in the main auditorium of the impressive Aula Magna venue. Captain Clifton used a variety of ways to bring the delegates into fervent prayer for the salvation of all the world. The captain especially urged all present to be passionate about their relationship with God and for the purposes of The Salvation Army.
This theme was expanded further by Commissioners Barry and Sue Swanson (Chief of the Staff and World Secretary for Women's Ministries) in their keynote session on commitment.
Commitment to officership was the specific focus of Commissioner Sue Swanson's lively and pertinent barrier-piercing message. Following her straightforward, no holds barred challenge many delegates headed for the candidates tent seeking more information about officership.
In the late morning keynote session, titled 'Sacrifice', Major Sandra Ryan (Canada and Bermuda Territory) brought home the reality of sin and its horrible, harmful consequences. The major said Christians need to hate sin because sin delivers hurt and destruction.

The wide-ranging subjects of the 20 afternoon Focus Groups stimulated positive dialogue and much helpful information was shared. Worship, ministry opportunities, human trafficking, health and the Army and politics were some of the areas discussed in the groups.
In the late afternoon high-energy, keynote session on Spiritual Disciplines, Lieut-Colonels Janet and Richard Munn (International Headquarters) passionately outlined the importance of the spiritual disciplines in helping Christians stay close to God over the long haul. The delegates were challenged to commit their whole life to God and to use everything at their disposal to help them become more like Jesus.

The evening Question and Answer time with General Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Helen Clifton proved to be enlightening and entertaining. The General freely entered into the excited, expectant atmosphere in the auditorium while being interviewed by Major Susanne Jansson.
At one point the response from the convention delegates to his answers was so exuberant that the General generously 'promoted' everyone in the auditorium to the rank of Brigadier, 'until midnight tonight'.
The General and Commissioner Clifton candidly answered questions about family life and officership, the Army's stance on the sacraments, women officers in leadership, human trafficking, what he would say to William Booth, evangelism and a number of other topics. He mentioned his retirement in less than a year and his healing from three attacks of cancer as well as saying, 'I was born to be an officer and to marry Helen'.
The 'After Glow' concluding event for the day overflowed with celebration, testimony to God's greatness and had the added blessing of the Maori Haka via live link from New Zealand.
Live streaming of the convention and other information can be found at: www.raisedup.org.
Photos by Major C. Mark Brown.

Message from Canadian Delegate
Greetings in Jesus' name!
What a great opportunity it has been for myself and the 20 others from the Canada and Bermuda Territory to be here at the World Youth Convention. This once in a lifetime World Youth Convention has surpassed my expectations, which were pretty high in the first place. God is moving so powerfully in the lives and territories of The Global Salvation Army and it is such an honor and privilege to be a part of this.
I don't know if you have had the chance to follow along at all in the live broadcast videos found on www.raisedup.org. If you have, perhaps you have felt the same joy, passion and spirit of Salvationism that I felt within the first five minutes of the opening night. There was a powerful presentation, and really a powerful time of worship that brought me to tears, when the group began the night with singing Send the Fire and O Boundless Salvation. I never once doubted my commitment to The Salvation Army, I knew I was in this life long when I signed the Articles of War, but those first five minutes of that first night really solidified my calling into this mighty Army of Salvation, and although I did know it before, I know even more now, that I will never leave.
On a personal level, I am finding this time here refreshing and inspiring. And here, God is teaching me more and more about sacrifice, and I am being more and more humbled everyday. I am being confirmed in my gifts and callings, and I am excited to see where God will take me next. God is stirring up such a passion within me.
I am so blessed to participate in this opportunity.
God Bless the General.
God Bless the Canada and Bermuda Territory.
God Bless The Salvation Army
In HIS Grace, I remain,
Nicole Brindle
BC Division
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