The key thought for the day came from Micah, chapter four: “They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore” (Micah 4:3).
The above words paint a beautiful picture. Swords and spears have been turned into gardening tools. Weapons once used to kill as tools of death, are used as tools to cultivate life. Modern examples could see tanks being used as bulldozers, nuclear bombs being used to supply the energy needs of small towns and villages, and helicopters being used solely for the purposes of lowering supplies to difficult to reach locations around the world. Modern weapons once used as tools of death, being used as tools to cultivate life.
An excellent initiative has taken place in some of the towns and villages of Papa New Guinea. With the encouragement of The Salvation Army, people have exchanged their weapons for Bibles.
Imagine a world where countries and nations stop fighting and engaging in war. Reflect on the men, women and children who would be alive today or who would have never met death in such a destructive way had war never been waged. Think of the resources that could be used on other global problems if military training and development were no longer needed.
There is no future in war. There is only a future in peace.
Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, can bring peace to our spiritual journeys. And in the midst of all the political turmoil and religious disagreement our world faces, Christ can bring peace to our world as well.
Let's pursue and pray for peace.

The naive stance of many who call themselves pacifists ignores the reality of sin in this world.