The Salvation Army in Canada has launched its 2009-10 Annual Review entitled Hope + Dignity. For the second year in a row, the content for the review can be found online at, enabling The Salvation Army to reach out to more members of the public than in previous years when the distribution of the report was limited to a printed copy.

Last year more than 1.6 million people were helped by The Salvation Army. As the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in Canada, we reached out to 400 communities from coast to coast, providing services, hope and dignity, to those who have met with hard times.

The Annual Review seeks to provide a glimpse into what The Salvation Army does on a daily basis, reporting on how the organization is best able to use the support it so generously receives from the public.

Included is a message from the Chairman of the National Advisory Board, a group that offers strategic guidance on the Army's national operations and services, a full report of the financial health of The Salvation Army, and a brief look at an exciting project coming in the next few months entitled The Dignity Project.

The Salvation Army believes that human dignity is a fundamental right for all. For most, living without dignity is a remote concept. However, for too many Canadians, the necessities of life required for basic human dignity are out of reach. Poverty is often the root cause, leaving 3 million Canadians without access to everyday resources such as food, clothing and shelter. We have developed The Dignity Project to inspire and educate the public about the challenges facing society's most vulnerable people. We believe that together, we can address the dehumanizing scourge of poverty and injustice. We are asking all Canadians to join The Dignity Project.

For more information and to view the entire report, please visit

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