The Salvation Army was raised up by God to spread the news of his love for all his children, to offer compassion to the needy, and to fight for social justice for the least and the lost and the lowest. That is still our mandate. The world needs Christ and The Salvation Army is one channel that God graciously uses to bring Christ - his love, his mercy, his healing, his hope - to the world. We have not yet done enough! We still need to embody the fervour of our Founder who declared 'While women weep ... while little children go hungry ... while men go to prison ... while there's a drunkard ... while there's one lost girl upon the streets ... while there remains one lost soul without the light of God, I'll fight!"

This call to prayer could be one more means of energizing our Army to do better and greater things for God as we seek to bring justice to those who are suffering at the hand of injustice.

Dear Comrades and Friends in Christ,

A GLOBAL CALL TO 24-7 PRAYER: A day and night cry for justice

Following thorough preparation by the Centre for Spiritual Life Development (a department of International Headquarters) and prayerful consideration by the International Management Council, I have agreed to the launching of A Global Call to Prayer: A day and night cry for justice (Luke 18:7) to all Salvationists, to commence on 1 January 2011.

Therefore, I am writing to my fellow Salvationists around the world, to call you to united, focused intercession in relation to the need for justice for the oppressed, according to Luke 18.

The spreading corrosive influence of human trafficking, corruption, and impurities beyond imagining call for nothing less than Salvationists to be on our knees before the One who alone can bring about a restoration of justice in the earth, even a holiness revival. Indeed, the great need of the times in which we live and serve urges us onward in day and night prayer.

Many Salvation Army territories around the world are already engaged in 24-7 prayer, with more prayer rooms and prayer networks being developed continually.

In recent years The Salvation Army's Centre for Spiritual Life Development in London and the International Social Justice Commission in New York City have been established and are born of the Spirit. This call to prayer will produce a spiritual synergy the world over.

In Luke 18:8 Jesus concludes his teaching with the question, "However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"

Perhaps Jesus is looking for evidence of faith on the earth upon his return, in his chosen ones crying out to him day and night. May The Salvation Army be a part of the faith that he finds.

Yours in Christ,

Shaw Clifton

clifton_shaw_gen_smlGeneral Shaw Clifton is the international leader of The Salvation Army.

Find out more about 24-7 Prayer.

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