The Salvation Army has today announced its new world leader and the 19th General will be Canadian-born Commissioner Linda Bond.

Commissioner Bond becomes the third woman and the fourth Canadian to hold the post of General of The Salvation Army since the international church and charity organization was founded 146 years ago.

The Commissioner, who currently heads up the church and registered charity's work in the Australian Eastern Territory, was elected by The High Council of The Salvation Army made up of senior leaders from around the world who met this week in Sunbury-on-Thames near London.

Commissioner Linda Bond (64) will have the title General-Elect until she succeeds the current world leader General Shaw Clifton, who retires at the beginning of April.

Once in post as General of The Salvation Army, the Commissioner will become the head of more than one million Salvationists in 123 countries. The Salvation Army also has more than 100,000 employees who between them communicate in 175 different languages.

In recent days and months, The Salvation Army has been involved in relief work in the aftermath of the Australian floods, the devastating mudslide in Brazil, floods in Sri Lanka, and the New Zealand earthquake.

Commissioner Bond comes to the role of General of The Salvation with 42 years experience of Christian ministry and leadership.

Since 2008 Commissioner Bond has headed up The Salvation Army's work across Eastern Australia, a huge territory with its headquarters in Sydney. This includes the recently devastated state of Queensland where The Salvation Army continues to be heavily involved in assisting victims of widespread flooding.

Prior to this, the Commissioner worked at Salvation Army International Headquarters (IHQ) in London, as the Secretary for Spiritual Life Development and International External Relations. This was her second spell at IHQ where she had previously served as Under Secretary for Personnel in the mid 1990s.
As a Salvation Army officer (ordained minister of religion and leader) Commissioner Bond has served in local corps (church) ministry, on the staff of Salvation Army national and regional (divisional) headquarters and as part of the training staff for new officers in her home territory of Canada and Bermuda. During those years she also served as a divisional and subsequently a leader of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda.

Other appointments have included divisional leadership roles in the Manchester region of the United Kingdom between 1998 and 1999, and as Territorial Leader in the USA Western Territory of The Salvation Army.

Top photo: General-elect Commissioner Linda Bond salutes the world immediately following the public announcement of her election to be the Salvation Army's nineteenth General. Credit: Paul Harmer.


On Sunday, June 16, 2013, Randy Rogalsky said:

Dear General Bond, I was a mere apprentice funeral director when you were transferred out of the Tisdale Corps (also home of Brent Butt Corner Gas, another great Army family). How small the world is and how wonderful that little old Tisdale was part of your Salvation Army experience. Pete (Leona Little) always said you were going to be "General" and how right she was, and how blessed she would have felt to have been alive when that day came. Many fond memories of your visits back to stay with Pete on your vacations. That would have been the last time I actually saw you when Gramma Little was still alive and having one of those magnificent after worship service lunches (mega meals) at Leona's with all the faces, Mother and Father Fraser (catholics wouldn't understand), the Zoerb's. I was likely the post lunch organ serenade that you might recall. Recently I was speaking with Army friends in Oshawa who informed me you were now the General. Being such a small town guy, I was more than thrilled to tell everyone that I met you when you were Captain Bond.
You will leave your mark on the Salvation Army for sure and I know that all of those who have gone on to Glory from your Tisdale days, and after will rejoice in your escalation to this most highly regarded and important position of leadership.
Kind regards, and best wishes as you continue to lead this great Salvation Army that will always be held in the world's highest of esteem for it's Christian values and its tremendous work of being there for the world's least fortunate when they need it most. I am humbled to have crossed paths with you some 37 years ago.
Randy Rogalsky

On Monday, January 30, 2012, Gloria (Harris) Middleton said:

Dear Linda, I am in awe. I have just found out about your wonderful accomplishments.
We did play together in the Junior band in New Aberdeen, Glace Bay, Nova Scotia.
It is so unfortunate that we lose track of our childhood friends. The only one I have kept in contact with through the years has been Shirley (Hann) Budden.
I truly hope that at some point you would be able to write to me.
Wishing you all the very best in your new appointment.

On Thursday, January 5, 2012, Shirley Frauenstein said:

At last we are returning to the grassroots of the Salvation Army which is as General William Booth wrote in his Book 'Purity of Heart'. The teachings of Holiness & the love, compassion for lost souls, homeless, hurting, rejected mankind who need our Saviour & Lord Jesus Christ in their lives. Thank you General Linda Bond for lighting the flame in my heart to a roaring fire knowing that we are going to move out of the four walls & enjoying the us four & no more bless me clubs that we have become. Once a salvanist always a salvationist it is truly in our DNA. I continue to pray that the Salvanists will experience a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit for Spirith growth & a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost & Fiire for service in the Kingdom of God & become once again the 'Triumphant, mighty Army that we were called & ordained to be going where angels fear to tread & make disciples. God Bless you & keep you in the Garden of His Present, strengthening you from within as you take us forward into the battle set before us. One Army, One Mission, One Vision in Christ Jesus our Messiah. Shalom. Amen. Amen.

On Tuesday, September 20, 2011, Tariq Masih said:

Congrats the great leader of the Army of the Lord General Linda Bond. I met you when you came to Pakistan to teach at the Brengle time ten years ago. I was a student there. I pray for you daily. May God bless you and The Salvation Army as you continue to preach the Good News. God bless you General Linda Bond.

On Thursday, May 26, 2011, Richard Reuer - Minot, ND said:

Congrats to you General Linda Bond. I remember you as our Western Territorial Commander and was proud to work under your leadership. You have truely deserve this high calling in which you walk always In His Steps. I was happy to hear from friends of mine who are still officers and were kind enough to email me about your recent promotion. I am sorry to say that I am no longer with the Army due to circumstances that I could not accept, but I know that my heart will always remember that day as a teenager someone took the time to bring me to the Army through the band and finding Jesus Christ as my pesonal friend and Savior. I may have left the Army, but my life is still fixed on Jesus. I am happy to have found another home church, but I know that the Army blood will always be in me. May God bless you and The Salvation Army as you continue to faithfully follow Him and preach the Good News. God bless you General Linda Bond.

On Thursday, March 17, 2011, Jim Mugford said:

Congrats Aunt Linda you are in our payers and thoughts.
jim and nadine

On Tuesday, March 8, 2011, waneloba caleb said:

work hard and God will uplift you from one glory to the other

On Tuesday, March 8, 2011, waneloba caleb said:

conguratulation commissioner linda bond for becoming salvation army leader. my the lord guide you in all your doing so that his kingdom may be glorified.(caleb from kenya west territoty)

On Wednesday, March 2, 2011, henry tilley said:

Congratulations on becoming General. Now you are my sister's boss. She is Major Joyce Stuckless. She was Joyce Tilley. Correct me if I'm wrong , are yoy sister in law to former Ruby Tilley Now Ruby Bond. She is my 1st cousin and she married Byron Bond From the Whitney Pier area. Please respond if you would please.

On Wednesday, March 2, 2011, Penny Craggs said:

Congratulations General! We are extremely proud to say that we knew you when! I have watched your career all of these years since training college days in 1979-1981 and have been very happy to see that God has blessed you greatly! What an honour you have been chosen for! May He Continue to Bless You and Everything You Put Your Hand To! My Prayers are with you!

On Monday, February 21, 2011, Capt M ilfred Harper Gds Rtd said:

General Linda. I would like to congratulate you on becoming General . I do
believe that we need to pray for each other at the corp level.I prayed for
a family and boy did i get the cold shoulder,it was as if they did not need
prayer., and if I do knee drill , people just look at me as if you I am
crazy, are we getting away from prayer : for psalm 91:15 states, He shall
call upon Me and I will answer Him: I will be with him in trouble; I will
deliver him and honor him . This is what brought me out of the Presbyterian
Church, and into the Salvation Army . This is what I thought we were suppose
to do and that is pray for each one .Another thing that I use to belong to
was a group of people that got together and came up with ideas which would
help the Salvation Army , however nothing was ever done to put our ideas
to work for the Army . We the soldiers just feel that we are to sit in our
seats and do nothing . At present I am trying to get my Chaplain papers for
the fire dept, as I am a fire dept worker . Thanks.

On Sunday, February 20, 2011, DAPHNE HOLLAND said:

not a shepherd boy but a miners daughter .
GOD sees the potential in all of us.

SHEPHERD BOY. Words and music by Ray Boltz and Steve Millikan

One by one Jesse's sons
Stood before the prophet
Their father knew a king
Would soon be found
And each one passed
Except the last
No one thought to call him
Surely he would never
Wear a crown

But when others see a shepherd boy
God may see a king
Even though your life seems filled
With ordinary things
In just a moment He can touch you
And everything will change
When others see a shepherd boy
God may see a king

One by one problems come
And dreams get shattered
And sometimes it's hard
To understand
But things like chance
And circumstance
They don't really matter
Our Father holds tomorrow
In His hands


Well it wasn't the oldest
It wasn't the strongest
Chosen on that day
And yet the giants fell
And nations trembled
When they stood in his way


On Sunday, February 20, 2011, Pastor John & Denise Drew said:

First of all congatulations on your appointment as General of the SA. My wife and I will be praying that our God and saviour will endue you with power and wisdom from on high, and that He will re-fill you with His Holy Spirit so that you will have wisdom and a fresh anointing From the throne.

On Tuesday, February 15, 2011, James Black said:

The new general said something about the Army needing "a mighty outpowering of God's Holy Spirit" but first there needs to be a reconciliation with ex-officers. Not ex because they chose to be. Can the Salvation Army make these wrongs right or is there still too much pride to admit how wrong they treated those who actually believed they were called to be Corps Officers and had that calling disrespected so profoundly.

On Thursday, February 10, 2011, stu said:

Congratulations Commissioner. I have to confess I knew nothing of you before the High Council, but have been very impressed with all I have read since, particularly your responses to interview questions. Your love for and commitment to Jesus shines through all you have been reported as saying. It is very encouraging to this Sally. God bless and keep you.

On Wednesday, February 9, 2011, sharon Kragh said:

Congratulations on becoming General. I worked at IHQ when you and Commissioner Dwyer did so much for us lay staff, that has never been forgotten.You are truly a people's person. May you be blessed in your ministry as general.

On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, Delly said:

Dear General-Elect Linda Bond,
I am an employee of the Salvation Army here in Papua New Guinea. I do not know you personally and you do not know me either, however, from the responses and from the magazines that I've read since you were announced as the new General-Elect, I found your story encouraging and full of hope and love for the Lord. I am not a Salvationist but I do admire the work that the Army is involved in - The work of the Lord. I believe the Lord has appointed thee to lead the Army so follow where the Light leads!

On Monday, February 7, 2011, Daniel Chirundu said:

We pray for the mercy of the Almight to be with you as you assume the office of the General. May you song be '' Nearer to thee Lord nearer to thee'' God Bless.

On Monday, February 7, 2011, Robert Conway said:

I met you for the first and only time at parliament house on the 7th december and was so impressed i went back to my table and said that lady will be General one day. I am the guy who came after you to say thank you for your comments in answer to Jim Luthy's response.Congratulations and I hope you bring the same down to earth approach to the Big Job.

On Sunday, February 6, 2011, GARY CLARKE said:

My congratulations'to you General-Elect Linda Bond.
I met you with my wife Phyllis at Laymens'Seminar in Toronto and you taught me a lot about serventiude.I have a high respect for you and am so excited for you as our General-Elect ,you are a wonderful lady.I look forward to where you will lead our Army with the guidance from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,and God be with you.
I am a soldier at Botwood Citadel,Newfoundland,Canada

On Saturday, February 5, 2011, Henry & Lorraine Legge said:

Dear Linda,

Congratulations on your appointment as the new General of The Salvation Army.
Lorraine and I sat and watched your "acceptance" speech on the web. We are still very interested in your career.
You haven't changed much; you look the same as you did when you taught us in training college.

All the best.

On Thursday, February 3, 2011, Made S. Petrus said:

Dear General-Elect, Linda,

Congratulations! Just want you to know that I am very proud of you! as I am praying that God would Choosing you as His Servant to elected as The Salvation Army world wide Leader,I know that you will lead the Army with great inspiration and wisdom in the days and years ahead. I am agree with Your statements,.. "the Salvation Army need to be an Army of praise and thanksgiving to God and we must place our trust in God. We need his Holy Spirit to come mightily on The Salvation Army",... The Salvationist around Indonesia praying for you and waiting for you to come and visit again,... Bali! God bless you my General, God bless The Salvation Army,... Christ for The World, The World for Christ. Hallelujah!

Love and Prayers

Made S. Petrus - Major

On Wednesday, February 2, 2011, Keith Bond said:

Linda I remember well those days we chummed about & played in the cornet section at St. James Winnipeg ; when you announced your calling to be come an officer in the salvation Army.It was a transition for You, and with GODS blessing & support of family all about ,it wasn't long before bags were packed and we saw you depart for C.F.O.T. Toronto. How GOD has blessed your calling since.I honor you & regard the commitment that you have made to the LORDS work in The Salvation Army. Today I want to congratulate you on becoming General-elect Linda Bond .....WE...the Bond family in Toronto are proud of you as are family in Winnipeg and Glace Bay.I know your leadership will be spirited,in Salvationism and evangelism because you embody these qualities.I pray for you as you step up to meet the challenge,as GENERAL,and as you lead this World wide Army. .....GOD Bless The Salvation ARMY

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Kourtney Bond Rowney said:

Dear General-Elect, Linda,

Congratulations! Just want you to know that your family here in Canada are very proud of you! We know that you will lead the Army with great inspiration and wisdom in the days ahead. Love your cousin Kourtney Bond Rowney (Keith & Ceny's 3rd daughter).

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Donald Adams said:


On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Royal Senter said:

God Bless the General-Elect! May your leadership always be a high example of followership - as a devoted follower of our precious Lord and Saviour.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Malou Menia said:

Congratulations,Commissioner Bond. Everytime I read your articles through the Pipeline I am always blessed and thank the Lord for your life. I am confident that the Lord will use you to further His Kingdom. May God's shines through you wherever you go.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Wayne Weatherbee said:

From your homeland of Cape Breton, all the way to Australia. Heard the news from Blanche Brewer of your great new appointment. Congratulations, and maybe someday I will be able to visit you at your main office in London, England. If you ever come to Nova Scotia, especially Sydney, give me some lead time so you can address the Kiwanis Club of Sydney on a Thursday noontime meeting.

Regards, your friend, Wayne.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Claris Tucker said:

Commissioner Linda Bond:

The internet truly is a great tool. I followed the High Council from the onset and once I knew you were nominated I knew you would be the next General.
I was thrilled to finally hear that you will be General. I am so proud for you. A great move for The Salvation Army!

P.S. I remember you fondly from training college day!

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Donald Adams said:

May the LORD Richly Bless and Strenghten You [GENERAL] as You take the
work load of LEADERSHIP !

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Kingsley Alley (Major R'ed) said:

It's no wonder that William Booth said: "Some of my best men are women!" (Spelling of rank corrected)

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Heather said:


As a fellow Cape Bretoner let me say-YOO-HOO. We always knew God placed His hand on you for a special purpose. May His grace and strength be yours as you prepare to take on this awesome responsibility.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Ron & Jane Anne Bowles said:

Dear General-Elect, Linda Bond,
Jane Anne joins with me in assuring you of our love and prayer support as you take up the awesome responsibility of leading our Army during these troubled yet exciting days in our history.

God has made you a blessing to many through your ministry and He will go with you now as you continue to allow the Holy Spirit to work in you and through you in your new challenge as our General.

Isn't it wonderful to know that you do not go in your on strenth but in the strenth and power of the Holy Spirit upheld by God's love and grace.

So many Scriptures will flood your thoughts at this time. May you prove the promise of Romans 8:28.

May God bless our Army and you as His Servant-Leader!

Ron & Jane Anne Bowles, Majors

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Kathie Sharp said:

Linda: Our prayers are with you as you take on this new role in your life. You are truly a woman of God and I believe great things will happen for Him under your leadership. You have been faithful in living your life for Him and He has now given you even greater things. God bless you.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Jim Mugford said:

Way to go Aunt Linda. Thinking of you and seen you on the News. Iam so proud
Good luck love Jim

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Don,Naomi,Noah Mugford said:

Way to go Linda! We are always thiking of you The Army could not have a better person in office. We are proud to be a member of the family and can say we know a General and a angel. It's been too long since we last seen you but. We look you up on the net and ask (nana) Audrey, About how your doing all the time. hope to see you soon

Good Luck and all of our Love

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, David S. Massaquoi, Sr. said:

Congratulations, Commissioner Linda Bond. Your dedicated and faithful service to God and mankind over the years has earned you this greater opportunity to serve as General of God’s Army. I pray God’s blessing upon you as you take on this new responsibility.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, David Longoria said:

Praying for God's hand on the leadership of the Salvation Army. May He guide our direction and keep us always on track in His will and holding firm to the integrity of our mission.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Ross Stuckless said:

Congregulations, Linda. God Bless, I always said that one day, Linda Bond would make a good General.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, tahira youhana said:

congratulates commissioner linda for new responsibility.God bless you and give you strength in coming time.amen

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, youhana hanif said:

God bless new general and the salvation army around the world.God anoint the new general commissioner bond for his service in serving of humanity through the salvation army.amen

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Grace Omolola said:

Praise God for the Lord's Army will continue to march forward and the gate of hell will never prevail against His Church. Congratulations our General elect. May God grant you wisdom, good health and strength for the great task ahead of you.

Grace Omolola/Grace Okim

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Sherry Potter said:

May God Bless and Lead you be your comfort on nights in indecision and fear, may the Holy Spirit be your best friend, as you walk out this new appointed challenge. May Jesus Be Glorified in all you do and the The Salvation Army does in this new day.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, alfreda said:

Thank God for Comm. Linda Bond elect as general.will be praying for you.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Alvis Belbin said:

A truely Blessed & Beautiful Person!! She was an awesome Candidates Fellowship Officer back in the 80's. The High Council was truely lead by God when they elected Comminsioner Bond as our new General!! God bless General Bond...God bless The High Council & God bless our beloved Salvation Army!!!!!

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Elaine Becker Major Rtd said:

Congratulations. Be assured that I will continue to pray for you in your new responsibilities. The Bible Study group who met in my home tonight lifted you up in prayer.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Carmella (Holland) and Don Beavis said:

Congratulations to you on your new appointment. May God continue to Bless all you do for His Kingdom.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Albert Jamias said:

Congratulations to our newly elected General annointed by God to lead The Salvation Army.... May God bless you and the Philippine Territory... hope to see you soon... =)

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Iman said:

Halleluya we have a new General!!!
God bless the Salvation Army Service with a new leader.

From Indonesia Territory

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Nana Yaw Kwakye said:

Congratulation to the new General elect Commissioner Linda Bond. I Pray that the spirit leads you in all your endeavours in the Name of Jesus.
God bless Commissioner Linda Bond, God bless The salvation Army Ghana Territory, God bless The Salvatio Army worldwide!!! Amen.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Chet Emmons said:

Praise God!!! What a wonderful moment in history. God bless our General.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Bruce Jennings said:

Congratulations General-Elect Linda Bond. May you walk in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Looking forward to connecting with you again along you journey. Love and prayers, Bruce & Mildred Jennings

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Mel and Barb Mugford said:

We are so proud of Aunt Linda. All the small community of Glace Bay is a buzz of happiness and well wishes. congratulations Linda

Love form all your Glace Bay Family. Your sister Audrey is saying her prayers for you today and in the future. I (nephew Mel am so proud to brag about playing baseball and fishing with the General of the Salvation Army!!

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Sister in Christ said:

Congratulations Commissioner Bond1
may God bless her and give her good health.
This is just what the Army needs in today's world,
we need a female leader to give it a differnt touch on things
but keep Christ in it all.
Let us not lose our Army standards

On Monday, January 31, 2011, john said:

May God Bless our new General.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, margaret walker said:

Congrats from Kitchener ...we told you so !! We are very pleased and excited to hear the news and know God will use you.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Salvacion "Sally" Agtarap said:

"MABUHAY" to our new General. Congratulations Commissioner Bond, may God bless you in your new task. To God be the glory

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Ralph Fish said:

God Bless Commissioner Linda Bond on being elected as General-Elect.I will allways Pray for Our General God Bless YOU in the days to come.And GOD Bless The Salvation Army.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Samuel E. Hariyanto said:

God Bless The Army .... Praise The Lord for the Next
General, Commissioner Linda Bond - God Bless Indonesia

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Sam Hancock said:

I am thrilled that you will be our new General! I will pray
for you often. God will anoint you for the task!!!! Sam

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Dorothy L Palmer said:

Praise God fir The Salvation Army. And Gerenal-elect. We will be praying for her.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Major Warrick/Lucy Pilgrim said:

Congratulations on being elected as our new General. I know you will always uplift Jesus and serve Him through the Army. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.


On Monday, January 31, 2011, Noreen Keller said:

May God richly bless you, Commissioner Bond. We are praying for you and for the Salvation Army around the world. God bless our leaders, our soldiers, adherents, supporters, and those we minister to in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. To God be the glory. In Him there is no Jew nor Greek, male nor female. We are all one in Him!

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Johnny Harsh said:

I am a former officer who has been deeply hurt by leaders of the Salvation Army. I've witnessed too many people who I feel put The Salvation Army above the Kingdom of God. You can't serve two only one.

I pray for God's hand to be upon you and that you will follow Him and not the traditions of men. Jesus didn't. He followed His Father!

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Suzanne Bond said:

Congratulations Aunt Linda,

On behalf of my family; twin Shelly Bond, sister Sherry Stewart, and mother Ruby Bond we are very proud of you. We wish you the best in your new appointment. My mother said Byron Bond (your brother and our father deceased of 1964) would be very proud of you.


Suzanne Bond

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Lydia said:

May Gods Peace, Blessings Knowlege and Strength carry on with you in your new adventure in life, especially in these troubled and confusing times. God Bless you and congratulations..

On Monday, January 31, 2011, MAJORS JOHN & LORRAINE GERARD(R) said:

We give praise to God for the selection of General-Elect Linda Bond of this time and place in the development and proclamation of the Gospel to the people,now in 125 countries of the world.

We pledge our support, especially in prayer that God will give her a double portion of His grace, wisdom and power. May the gracious Holy Spirit completely surround her daily with renewed vigor and insight into the world's problems. Fire a volley!

On Monday, January 31, 2011, sneha katarnavare said:

praise lord!!!!!!
being a salvationist iam very happy to hear our new general appointed.may god bless her and give good health.hope and pray to god that are salvation army progress day -by- day.god bless our army and his officers.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Zela said:

God bless the General elect!!

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Majors David & Karen Ramsay said:

May God continue to bless you Linda as you take on this very important ministry, our prayer is that God will pour out his Holy Spirit on our Salvation Army, so that we might proclam the gospel in the power and annointing of the Holy Spirit in the 123 nations where we have influence and minister.

We pray that God will give you great wisdom, knowledge and vision in the mission He has set for you to lead.

Every Blessing

Yours in Christ

David & Karen

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Gerry Bond said:


On Monday, January 31, 2011, Lynne McDormand said:

Congratulations Commissioner Bond! I have prayed for you and for Whomever becomes general.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Between Francois said:

May God bless the new general
Amen Amen!

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Joe Wambugu said:

Congratulations Commissioner Bond! I know that the Lord will do great things through your leadership and you can count on our prayerful support.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Grietje Bos-de Jonge (Nederland) said:

I had hoped Dick Krommenhoek. But I wish Linda Bond, of course, God's blessing in her new position with the Salvation Army.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Ronald Hughes said:

So pleased for Gods Army, may we mover forward with the Holy Spirit in new growth.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Richard Cooper, Major Rtd said:

We, Sandra and I are well pleased with the election of Commissioner Linda Bond as our new General and promise our continued prayer support for her and those tasked with leadership of our 'Army'.

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Imran Sabir said:

Thanks Lord for our General Me and my wife are very happy,We hope The Lord will be with our new General and blessing around the world for The Salvation Army for Thy kingdome,Amen

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