Throughout the 2011 High Council there has been an ever-present spirituality. From the first morning more than a week ago the intentional reliance of the council members on the power of the Holy Spirit has been obvious.

Today, during the opening question answering sessions, this connection with God appeared to deepen. There was a definite sense of holy responsibility throughout the chamber.

During the presentation of answers the High Council members are to listen without responding in any way. Despite this limitation there was an atmosphere of affirmation for each candidate and, where applicable, their spouse. Before each speaker participated the High Council President Commissioner James Knaggs called for a time of silent prayer.

Devotions commenced the day with High Council Chaplain Commissioner Vic Poke reading from selected Psalms and leading singing of Salvation Army Song Book (SASB) song 412 'Christ, whose glory fills the skies' and chorus 99 'Silently now I wait for thee', which led into a time of prayer.

Commissioner Poke assured God that, 'we have confidence in you and we are thrilled that you have confidence in us'.

Prior to the second session Commissioner Debi Bell prayed, 'refresh us again God with your living water'.

The final evening session concluded with the singing of SASB song 220 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God almighty'.

The remaining candidates and, where applicable, spouses will respond to the questions tomorrow.


On Saturday, January 29, 2011, Dawn said:

I have been a soldier of the Salvation Army for 17 yrs and have seen a lot of changes. Changes are great but hopefully not such big changes that we lose our identity. We are known as a social agency and I hope we never lose that. We still have problems being known as a church. I think what bother me is I don't here salvation preached and that is happening in my own corps. Hardly any alter calls for salvation. I thought the army was about saving souls. Wearing of the uniform doesn't seem to be that important. It is worn when ever they feel like it. I must have been sleeping when I spoke about the motto Heart to God,hand to man and the Captain all he could say was that was old and the motto is Hope for today.Also homeleague isn't called homeleague it is women ministries. I hope the new General doesn't make to many changes. I must be old fashioned or stupid or something. I think sometimes we are trying to be to much in the world. I thought the word said we are to be in the world but not of it, correct me if I am wrong.If we believe the scriptures we must live the scriptures.1John 2: 15-17.

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