The 17th High Council convened on Friday, January 21 at Sunbury Court, United Kingdom, to elect the 19th General of The Salvation Army in succession to General Shaw Clifton who will retire at midnight on April 1, 2011. This is the largest-ever High Council with 109 members―57 women and 52 men.

The High Council website will include links to a live webcast of the Welcome to the High Council and Retirement Salute to General Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Helen Clifton meeting this coming Saturday, January 22, commencing at 16.00 GMT (UK time).

If you can't tune in at 16.00 (4pm) London time, the entire program will be available to watch again after the event at the same website.

Follow the Action
Register to receive email updates from the High Council or follow @HighCouncil2011 on Twitter.

The email and Twitter alerts will give as much notice as possible regarding any imminent announcement of the General-elect. We will issue announcements through them regarding the availability of the latest news reports and to  provide some warning concerning the approximate time of the live-streaming of the announcement of the General-elect.


On Saturday, January 22, 2011, Trouble said:

During celebrating my 50th Senior Soldier Anniversary I had
the opportunity to personally meet and have my photo taken with
General and Commissioner Shaw. The General was inspiring, as he
took time to greet each person, which reminded me of Christ seeking
the lost, the lonely, the unnoticed person. I have appreciated
General Clifton Shaw's monthly Pastorial Letters which were
available through Corps Officers. General Clifton Shaw's writings
are spiritually inspiring ! As a graduate of Divinity College and
holding a specialist in Christian Interpretation at the M.T.S.
level, and have been fortnate over the years to have Articles and
Book Reviews published in Salvation Army Publications. General
Shaw's letters torn at your spiritual heartstring, brought you to
your knees to Christ, tracked the maze of Divinity, Theology, and
above all generated a love of Christ to every Soldier and Adherant.
General Shaw's spiritaul inspiration will be missed. He had time
for everyone, always ready to spread God's word and ask how your
heart was. His influence as a General lifted the bar. I pray that
our next General in The Salvation Army will be of like-mind to
inspire all Salvationists and Adherants to become

On Saturday, January 22, 2011, Trouble said:

During the week celebrating my 50th Anniversary as a Senior Soldier I had the opportunity to personally meet and have my photo taken with General Clifton Shaw and Commissioner Helen Shaw. The General had a personal touch with each and every person present, which reminded me of Christ's humbleness and seeking out the lost, lonely and unnoticed people. As a graduate of Divinity College, I have appreciated General Shaw's Pastorial Letters which were available to all Salvationists through their Corps Officers. His theology, and tracking the maze in Divinity and his insightful Bibical text was inspiring. His expertise and connection to humble souls as he uplifted many will be missed. It is my prayer our new leader will equally inspire us to follow in Christ's footsteps through the journey of life.

On Saturday, January 22, 2011, uncle bee said:

Paul was known more for his passion and sacrifices for
Christ and His church than for his education, talents and know-how!
He considered all other things as rubbish, when in comparison to
his relationship with Christ. He believe so much in his cause
(proclaiming tbe Gospel)that he was willing to give up everything
and even to die for it! My prayer is that may God has mercy upon
our Army, and grant us such a leader for His Kingdom sake!

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