General Shaw Clifton has shared the following information regarding international appointments and promotions.

"Following the conclusion of the 2011 High Council, I am pleased to announce that the General-Elect, Commissioner Linda Bond, has cordially requested Commissioner Barry Swanson to continue to serve in his present capacity as the Chief of the Staff. Commissioner Swanson has graciously agreed to Commissioner Bond's request.

I am further pleased to announce that the General-Elect has appointed Commissioner Sue Swanson, presently serving as the World Secretary for Women's Ministries, to serve as the World President of Women's Ministries with effect from 2 April 2011 in succession to Commissioner Helen Clifton who will enter retirement. Commissioner Sue Swanson will continue to serve also as World President, Salvation Army Scouts, Guides and Guards.

The General-Elect has appointed Major Lorraine Hart, presently serving in the Canada and Bermuda Territory, to be her Private Secretary, effective from 2 April 2011, in succession to Major Richard Gaudion who will take up an appointment in the United Kingdom Territory. Major Hart will not accompany the General when the General travels internationally.

Further senior international appointments occasioned by the outcome of the 2011 High Council will be announced in the near future by the Chief of the Staff.

I know that all salvationists will continue to uphold in prayer the General-Elect and Commissioners Barry and Sue Swanson and all other colleagues affected by these changes."


On Tuesday, March 1, 2011, Nicole Brindle said:

Praise God.
Commissioners Swanson are some of the greater folk I have met!
Love their current positions, and love that they are continuing as such!

On Wednesday, February 9, 2011, Made S. Petrus said:

Dear Commissioners,
Congratulation Commissioner as both of you continue to serving the Lord as Chief of the Staff and Commissioner to serve as the World President of Women’s Ministries to serve as the World President of Women’s Ministries. I pray that the Holy Spirit continue equip both you in this great responsibilities. Hallelujah!

On Wednesday, February 9, 2011, Geoff Maxwell said:

Commissioners James and Jan Condon are replacing General Elect Linda Bond as
Commissioners of Australian Eastern Territory.

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