In a communique with Salvation Army leaders, Commissioner William W. Francis, territorial commander, outlined some of the significant growth that occurred in the Canada and Bermuda Territory in 2010. He also announced the creation of a new honour roll to highlight those corps that have seen an increase in enrolments, church attendance and Christian education.

"It is exciting to see the number of senior and junior soldiers enrolled and adherents recognized this past year," says Commissioner Francis. "We anticipate the positive impact these new, fresh commitments will make for the Kingdom and The Salvation Army in the days ahead."
Honour Roll
The following 10 corps (and community churches) will receive a certificate of recognition for growth in junior and senior soldier enrolments, and for increased attendance in Sunday worship and Christian education programs. The following corps have achieved increases in all four categories:
Berkshire Citadel – Alberta and Northern Territories Division
Edmonton Temple – Alberta and Northern Territories Division
St. George's – Bermuda Division
Conception Bay South – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
Faith and Hope Community Church – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
Gambo – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
Springdale – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
North York Temple – Ontario Central-East Division
Meadowlands – Ontario Great Lakes Division
Centre Communautaire Chretien/Christian Centre of The Salvation Army – Quebec Division
Honourable Mention
Honourable mention goes to the following 28 corps that have achieved growth in three of the four categories:
Glenmore Temple – Alberta and Northern Territories Division
High Point Community Church – British Columbia Division
New Westminster Citadel – British Columbia Division
Penticton – British Columbia Division
Glace Bay – Maritime Division
Spryfield Community Church – Maritime Division
Bishop's Falls – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
Carmanville – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
Lewisporte – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
New World Island West – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
New-Wes Valley – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
St. John's Citadel – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
Stephenville Community Church – Newfoundland & Labrador Division
Belleville – Ontario Central-East Division
Cedarbrae Community Church – Ontario Central-East Division
Kingston Citadel – Ontario Central-East Division
Mississauga Temple – Ontario Central-East Division
Orillia – Ontario Central-East Division
Ottawa Citadel – Ontario Central-East Division
Peterborough Temple – Ontario Central-East Division
West Hill Community Church – Ontario Central-East Division
Chatham-Kent Ministries – Ontario Great Lakes Division
Hanover – Ontario Great Lakes Division
Oakville Community Church – Ontario Great Lakes Division
Owen Sound Temple – Ontario Great Lakes Division
Simcoe Community Church – Ontario Great Lakes Division
Haven of Hope Ministries – Prairie Division
Swift Current Community Church – Prairie Division
"God bless you as you continue to build the Kingdom of God and The Salvation Army through your ministry in 2011," says Commissioner Francis.
On Wednesday, May 11, 2011, Billy Jackson said:
On Friday, April 29, 2011, JLP. said:
On Sunday, April 17, 2011, I am a Soldier too said:
On Saturday, April 9, 2011, Patricia Kennedy said:
And enrolling soldiers, more people attending worship and Christian Education, more young people are indicators of spiritual growth. They obviously are not the only indicators; the number of candidates, the number of soldiers tithing, the number of times people look at the clock during the service can tell us about the spiritual condition of a Corps; but. souls being saved and discipled so that they can serve others and bring them into the fellowship indicates spiritual growth! In the New Testament, we read that many came to Jesus and He welcomed them! The church grew in number: Acts 2:47 “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Let us recognize that the Lord is working in our midst!
“Don’t we need to understand our mission in a battle before going out and getting ourselves killed, because we didn’t plan for all the things that could go wrong?”…understanding our mission doesn’t mean we won’t get killed…ask Jesus. Do we truly desire to follow Him? If so, there is a sacrifice but there is also victory! In the name of Jesus, let’s embrace our mission of saving souls and celebrate that God has saved us by sharing our testimonies.
Also, don’t forget God’s roll, the book of life. He records the names and I hope yours is written there!
On Wednesday, April 6, 2011, Kevin Osborne said:
You can have a large church, but are all the people in place to maintain that growth? It's vital to have enough people to run the various ministries which take place in a church. If you focus merely on getting the numbers up without the people needed to run those programs, that church will not maintain those numbers. Church attendance will go down.
Rick Warren wrote, "The key for churches in the 21st Century will be church health, not growth." When a congregation is healthy, it will grow spiritually and enjoy the benefits of a live, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. A healthy Christian will not find his strength or determine his weakness in the size of the church he attends.
I agree with Rick Warren. We need to look more at the health of our churches as opposed to focusing on how many people we can cram into them.
Pat, you say that in the time people put negative comments on this issue we could be telling others about the love of Jesus. This is true, but to use your Army terminology, Should we go out there talking to others about Jesus without a battle plan? You wouldn't plan an attack as a Captain in a platoon without a plan. Don't we need to understand our mission in a battle before going out and getting ourselves killed, because we didn't plan for all the things that could go wrong? We need a strategy. We need a plan of action before going out en mass telling others about Jesus.
Do you think Christ sent His followers out without a plan of action? No. Our saviour was always giving the disciples advice and guided leadership. If you take time to examine the Great Commission in Matthew, chapter 4:18-22 Jesus said to His disciples in verse 19, "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (NIV). In the words, "come and follow", these were required acts of obedience. In the word "make" we have Christ's promise that if we come and follow Him, He will make us fishers of men. Jesus promised His disciples that He would give them the tools, and train them to win others for the Kingdom. .
Pat, I admire you being on fire for God. We need to have that kind of burning passion for souls if our great Salvation Army is to continue to be all that it can be for God. Don't let anyone take that love for souls away from you.
I agree with Pat that we need to be united in this daily war for souls. Yet, at the same time, we need to focus more on the spiritual health of our corps, not merely playing a numbers game to see how many people we can shove through our doors, without having the people to support our various ministry programs..
On Tuesday, April 5, 2011, Pat said:
On Sunday, April 3, 2011, Kevin Osborne said:
"These are not in themselves the best or only measurements of health and strength in the Army. What about the state of the corps leadership, the spiritual health of the members and the ongoing evangelism and discipleship ministries? Playing the numbers game can fill a corps in a short time but bringing a corps to full health and strength takes many years. Today's leaders are focusing on more substantial issues than top dog lists. Let's celebrate everyone's advances and spur one another on to rise to the full potential that God has placed in every corps."
On Saturday, April 2, 2011, Kevin Osborne said:
When I attended the 10th anniversary of the Downsview church, which later became Yorkwoods Community Church, Dave, Evie and others shared in how God working in us had brought a small nucleus of faith so far.
While it's wonderful to hear about the churches where numerical growth is taking place, it's also important to keep in mind that internal growth is vital to the survival of a church. You may have heard the story about the minister who was doing a series from the book of Ecclesiastes. He kept harping on the scripture that says all of life is vanity. The pastor started out with 450 members. When his series was done, he had 11 struggling yet faithful souls. Now, I wouldn't recommend that any one of us should do a series on Ecclesiastes, to see how many faithful souls remain in your church. My point is that growth in the spirit should be regarded as being important too.
I would rather pastor a church that had 25 committed members than one of 400 uncommitted souls, who to use a phrase from a "Leadership" article "played at their worship and worshiped their play."
I fear there will be hurt feelings among corps that aren't making the honor roll. The Downsview ministry in its infancy wouldn't have even got into two of the four categories measuring growth. This was no reflection on its dedicated leaders. A baby church takes time, nurturing, and consistent commitment from its membership to grow. It has to be watered properly like the plants in a garden, with just the right combination of spiritual nutrients.
There are smaller corps where active community ministries are going on that feed the poor, and give hope to the hopeless. The work they do should also rightly be reported on as an encouragement to the faithful, who fight the daily battle for souls with determination and an unwavering faith.
Let's encourage the corps who are struggling. Perhaps, they need to have Salvationists from larger churches to come and offer their giftings to them. I was asked to help out with the work in Downsview even though I was a member of North York Temple. Other dedicated souls gave of themselves from North York Temple to the ministry work being done in Downsview.
Let's focus in The Salvation Army on building one another in both knowledge and depth of faith. We need to dedicate ourselves as being united in this task rather than offering criticism for those corps that are perceived as not making the grade.
On Saturday, April 2, 2011, marinus huizinga said:
which is an analysis which leaders can measure.
on the human level, one would say at this time, there must be somewhere a reference point
or in other words a fixed point in order to continue watching.
The Spiritual World by God's Spirit is driven completely different:
That is true: that it is only one soul to Christ lead a party in heaven
, and NO LEADER on earth that can do to appeal to his or her functioning,
to measure this, by simply praying: Lord make me an instrument
On Friday, April 1, 2011, Concerned said:
I have since 1964.
It is most certainly not the corps it was then...or even a few years ago. Oddly enough, there is no mention of the basis for the award. Growth over what period? the last year? The last ten? There is nothing in terms of how growth was measured.
It is the same corps that has seen a marked decline in uniform wearing, the death of the Sunday night meeting, the continued shrinkage and decline of the musical sections and the virtual cessation of any outreach activity. These and other disturbing trends show no sign of reversal.
The corps officer had to give a special sermon a few months ago on the dire state of the corp's finances. This issue remains on the "prayer list" in the weekly corps bulletin. Growth is great, but if the heat bill can't be paid..........
I would perfer, if such commendations are to be given, a broader based assessment of the spiritual health of a corps. Are souls being saved? Are the hallmarks of Salvationism still vibrant and meaningful? Is it a "going concern" financially?
Statistical measurement such as been set out herein is no indication of the spiritual health or witness of a corps. To think otherwise is dangerous
On Friday, April 1, 2011, markbraye said:
i wouldn't go as far as to say this post/this honor is bad. i don't think anyone is tearing down the churches/corps or people involved. i think we're making observations and sharing thoughts.
this post/honor is, however, a microcosm of our Army culture. we tend to focus on stats and the measurables more than stories and experiences. this may be one of few posts like this on this notion of stats being important, though, has permeated just about everything we do.
we can measure attendance.
it's harder to measure love and grace.
i think it's fair to comment either way on the above post. great thoughts from everyone.
On Friday, April 1, 2011, Heather Allington said:
I agree with "Army Comrade", Kerry, and others who find this a positive post by Commissioner Francis. I think it's a "given" that we all know that God is working in these corps. But God does expect us to do some work and not only pray for church growth.
On Thursday, March 31, 2011, Jason Sabourin said:
The unfortunate fallout from this type of statistical reporting and the naming it as the "honour roll" however is that it can appear to give more validity to some while those units that are left off the list for reasons that are too numerous to mention may come to feel that the work and hours spent in ministry for God has not been recognized, perhaps causing discouragement. Having said this I believe wholeheartedly that this is not and was not the intent of those who have instituted this new element. I am sure the purpose is to encourage and uplift.
For those who may feel forgotten or undervalued by not making TSA "honour roll" take heart as in the eyes of God all work done in partnership with Him for Him will bear eternal fruit whether it is statistically recorded or not.
On Thursday, March 31, 2011, army comrade said:
I totally agree with Kerry in Calgary, behind every stated statistic is a success story of faithfulness, obedience and service to God and the community. Webeditor, i hope you will do a series on the listed corps, sharing their ministry ideas, war tactics, and testimonies of soul-saving success. Those of us in small struggling corps, dont lose heart, just remain faithful, PRAY and work! God bless
On Thursday, March 31, 2011, Beyond STATS said:
The leadership knows how to play the game though in that knowing that the Army's focus is always on the numbers they know as long as the numbers look good to DHQ and THQ they will stay. Unfortunately this will crush the people of the corps who are the church and will be there long after they have been promoted to DHQ. The numbers can show growth but what if your leadership does not visit it people, has not knelt in prayer with a seeker in the entire time they have been in the corps, is never around and rarely attends any activity at the Corps including the Christian Education night they created when they arrived, missing service to attend their own children’s (since their children do not involve themselves in anything in the church) other functions and only preaches and prays occasionally during the meeting. When the word among faithful after worship is “I feel discouraged" things are not good. Where is the honour roll for that!!
Alas the numbers look good so everything must be good!
Our Lord is not happy with this why? Because when we focus on numbers we miss the impact we can on the lives of others if we are truly spiritual fed and led.
On Thursday, March 31, 2011, Geofrey sibanda said:
On Wednesday, March 30, 2011, Nicole said:
But with numbers you can measure and promote. It is not saying that it is the ONLY way to measure - but it sure helps the strategy in War.
In fact, I must say I am a bit surprised at the uproar over this post, for it is the first article I have ever read (and I frequent Salvo articles often) that even talks about numbers and statistics. (aside from the annual yearbooks)
I think more articles are written on the spiritual formation and development or quality of growth then they are on numbers. My heart rejoices at this article the same way it rejoices when I read an article on how this Corps has grown spiritually, or what 'program' that ministry unit is doing. My heart rejoices when I see the Spirit of God move, and in this post, I have.
On Wednesday, March 30, 2011, Anonymous said:
I can only speak for what I've seen at North York Temple. They are out on the streets having March of Witness 4 to 5 times a year. As well their band is out every other Sunday before the services at nursing homes ministering to those who cannot get anywhere else for a service.
They have reached out to the Asian and Russian community, which has been difficult to reach, and this is abundantly seen in the Singing Company as an example.
The numbers at the altar seem to multiply more and more. God is truly moving in this corps.
On Tuesday, March 29, 2011, Nicole said:
Praise God for growth in the nearly 40 Corps listed above.
I agree with the Commissioner when he says “God bless you as you continue to build the Kingdom of God and The Salvation Army through your ministry in 2011"
I am blessed to be in the fellowship of the fight with you all.
@KO: Yes, TSA does keep numbers of converts...and Praise God for those!
Praise God!
On Tuesday, March 29, 2011, Capt/ Major Patrick Lublink (military chaplain) said:
On Tuesday, March 29, 2011, Peter (High Point) said:
Thank God for His graciousness!
On Tuesday, March 29, 2011, markbraye said:
we need to stop with the quantitative and focus more on the qualitative.
On Tuesday, March 29, 2011, ROY FRYER said:
On Monday, March 28, 2011, Helen MacKenzie said:
Just a few thoughts of mine as I don't like playing the numbers game. Let me be a witness to others so that they may learn the name of the Lord.
On Monday, March 28, 2011, creditdue said:
Every good and perfect gifts come from above - James 1:17
It is disheartening to see this post. God is mentioned last. Not once is Jesus mentioned.
On Monday, March 28, 2011, Karen Osborne said:
On Monday, March 28, 2011, Beyond STATS said:
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