The following are a list of the awards along with descriptions and a sampling of the judges' comments. Click on the title to access the full pdf version of the article.
Second Place
Captain Mark Braye argues that through the lectio divina -- Latin for sacred or divine reading -- we can connect with God in prayer, meditation and contemplation.
“A focused, practical piece, well-structured, that guides the reader through the four-stage process with examples – an effective approach."
Third Place
The Christmas story is not about nostalgia, says General Linda Bond -- the international leader of The Salvation Army -- its about the Savour who connects with the lost and hurting of the world.
“Beautiful image and effective typography. A beautiful image used well.”
Third Place
“Questions well composed, responses well edited.”
Third Place
Major Danielle Strickland's Battle Cry column challenges Salvationists to go deeper in their spiritual relationship with God. In the three winning articles, she urges Salvationists to finish what they started as they "run the race" with perseverance; view their relationship with the developing world as a two-way partnership; and harness new methods for spiritual accountability,
“The writer is uniquely able to weave resonant stories out of her personal experiences. Without exception, they are deeply moving. She also uses contrarian thinking to engage readers, often flipping a topic around – start small, we're students, don't just suck it up – to get the reader to think about his/her position even more thoughtfully.”
Third Place
“A very strong piece on the humour and the truth in outreach on behalf of the faith. A well-written and touching piece about finding ways to share faith and community – great piece. Bravo!”
Faith & Friends
Photo Essay
First Place
Seeing the Extraordinary in the Ordinary (October 2012)
Photographer Brian Williams' lens captures the down-and-outers of Halifax in a poignant and stunning photo essay.
“Brian shows us two different styles of photography: one 'newsy' illustrating people's struggle with daily life; and another, more 'artsy,' very simple with great composition.”
First Place
Have a God Day (March 2012), The Flowers and the Weeds (May 2012) and Double Standard (August 2012)
Diane Stark is acknowledged for excellence in three articles.
“What I especially appreciate here is how the writer manages to find the teachable moment, the lesson -- for her kids as well as for herself -- that we all need to take away from what others might otherwise deem a mundane moment. Nothing mundane here: her kids are learning, and so are we.”
Feature Photo
Second Place
Maestro, Music Please (March 2012)
Vivid photos complement Jayne Thurber-Smith's profile of Vancouver Symphony Orchestra's conductor Bramwell Tovey.
“Use of low light, without flash, adds to the photograph and shows mood of the place. Viewer, looking at the photo, can almost hear the music. Choice of colour and typeface as the opening spread works well with the photograph.”
Front Cover/Page
Second Place
Into the Wild (January 2012)
Striking photo of extreme adventurer Bear Grylls introduces the January cover story.
“Super-strong photo, really good type. A hard-to-miss combination, really.”
Third Place
Wrestling With Destiny (June 2012)
Freelance writer William J. Bruce III was allowed unrivalled access by World Wrestling Entertainment to interview Ted DiBiase Jr.
“This light-hearted interview focuses on the important father-son relationship, how DiBiase came to know God and how he practises Christian witness in the locker room and on the road. A light and breezy read with relevant questions about his life in the workplace. Congratulations!”
Couplet (September 2012)
Husband-and-wife teachers Rob and Susan Lee have made an impression on hundreds of students in Newfoundland and Labrador.
“Very nicely written. Style is lively and conversational. You wove the two subject's stories together seamlessly.”
Effet viral (October/Octobre 2012)
Jayne Thurber-Smith profiles Christian writer and Internet sensation Jefferson Bethke.
“Great subject, and one which is probably completely new to the audience.”
It has been a delight to interact with all of you in the Department.
Another great (June 2013) issue on its way! Keep up he great work!