Have you ever felt frustrated or dissatisfied with your corps? Present, but not planted? It's easy to see the flaws and failings of the church, but much more difficult to confront those same sins and shortcomings in our own hearts and lives. So how can we have a positive impact without becoming bitter or hard-hearted? How can we serve Christ in a church with problems?
One of my mentors has often reminded me that when I stand before the throne of God in heaven, I will not be asked to answer for the actions or inaction of others, but I will certainly be held to account for what I have done or failed to do with what was given me. We must live out our God-given calling regardless of our feelings about our individual setting.
William Booth once said, “Work as if everything depended upon work, and pray as if everything depended upon prayer.” We're no strangers to work in the Army, but we don't often gather solely and specifically to seek the Lord's guidance and empowerment. And it shows.
If there was ever one thing in Scripture that led to amazing, at times unimaginable, changes in our world, it's prayer. Pray for the Lord to reveal his will to you and to your corps leadership. Pray for those with whom you disagree. Pray for more than just a nice, stable corps; pray for victory in the salvation war for your neighbourhood.
Prayer invests our hearts in a way that little else does. Let's root ourselves in our corps communities by faithfully interceding for them.
Give Anyway
While we're talking about investment, make sure you're giving even when you don't feel like it. Give your time, your gifts, your tithe and your very best without expecting anything in return. Give regardless of whether or not you are thanked. When Jesus sent out his disciples for the first time in Matthew 10:8, he told them, “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”
If we refuse to give because things aren't going the way we like, or even if we feel our voices aren't being heard, we're reducing a beautiful act of worship to an economic transaction. We're holding on to our own power rather than living the humble servant life modelled by our Saviour. Jesus talked about the impossibility of serving both God and money (see Matthew 6:24; the Greek word translated as money, mammon, means trusting in wealth and possessions). He also counselled his followers to serve those who could not repay, removing worldly economics from the equation and instead building social interactions on love and grace (see Luke 14:12-14).
A clear mark of Jesus' disciples is that they reject worldly power dynamics and give without expecting repayment.
Mentor Someone
No problem—big or small, real or perceived—can stop you from evangelizing and discipling others. You might feel hesitant to invite others into your corps community if it's an unhealthy environment (a valid concern), but don't let that stop you from witnessing, loving and reaching out to others. Prayerfully ask the Lord to lead you to someone in your corps, school or workplace that he might use you to minister to.
If we all worried less about politics and programs, and focused on making disciples of Christ, we'd probably fix all the issues we have with our corps in the process. We have to remember that none of us are called to build The Salvation Army or spectacular corps; we've been charged with making disciples. But to make a true disciple, we have to first be a true disciple. We have to regularly ask ourselves if we're really in love with Jesus, clear about his call on our lives, free from worldly pursuits and passions, and intentional in our efforts.
Pray More
So I say again: pray. The Apostle Paul counselled the Thessalonians to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV), but unceasing prayer begins with regular, intentional prayer. As we pray, we become aware of God's presence in all things. We learn to recognize his voice and develop “eyes to see and ears to hear” (see Mark 8:18). If you don't feel connected at your corps, focus on connecting to Christ.
The bottom line is that the church is full of imperfect, sinful people, and so it shouldn't be a surprise when we find imperfection and sin in the church. Catholic activist Dorothy Day expressed it well when she said, “Though she [the church] is a harlot at times, she is our mother.” We are called together to be the family of God, under one head—Christ himself. We should not easily criticize the church, because we are the church. If you're waiting for the perfect corps to come along so you can focus on building the kingdom, you're missing the point. Pour your whole heart into wherever God leads you to serve his people, and make sure your focus stays on him. Then you will find fulfillment despite your circumstances.
Jonathan Taube works and worships with The Salvation Army in the U.S.A. Central Territory's youth department and as a soldier at the Des Plaines Corps in Illinois. God has grown a deep passion in his heart for discipleship, world missions and incarnational expressions of the gospel. Taube is also a big fan of the Chicago Cubs. Read his blog posts at centralyouthnetwork.com/author/jtaube.
One of my mentors has often reminded me that when I stand before the throne of God in heaven, I will not be asked to answer for the actions or inaction of others, but I will certainly be held to account for what I have done or failed to do with what was given me. We must live out our God-given calling regardless of our feelings about our individual setting.
William Booth once said, “Work as if everything depended upon work, and pray as if everything depended upon prayer.” We're no strangers to work in the Army, but we don't often gather solely and specifically to seek the Lord's guidance and empowerment. And it shows.
If there was ever one thing in Scripture that led to amazing, at times unimaginable, changes in our world, it's prayer. Pray for the Lord to reveal his will to you and to your corps leadership. Pray for those with whom you disagree. Pray for more than just a nice, stable corps; pray for victory in the salvation war for your neighbourhood.
Prayer invests our hearts in a way that little else does. Let's root ourselves in our corps communities by faithfully interceding for them.
Give Anyway
While we're talking about investment, make sure you're giving even when you don't feel like it. Give your time, your gifts, your tithe and your very best without expecting anything in return. Give regardless of whether or not you are thanked. When Jesus sent out his disciples for the first time in Matthew 10:8, he told them, “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”
If we refuse to give because things aren't going the way we like, or even if we feel our voices aren't being heard, we're reducing a beautiful act of worship to an economic transaction. We're holding on to our own power rather than living the humble servant life modelled by our Saviour. Jesus talked about the impossibility of serving both God and money (see Matthew 6:24; the Greek word translated as money, mammon, means trusting in wealth and possessions). He also counselled his followers to serve those who could not repay, removing worldly economics from the equation and instead building social interactions on love and grace (see Luke 14:12-14).
A clear mark of Jesus' disciples is that they reject worldly power dynamics and give without expecting repayment.
Mentor Someone
No problem—big or small, real or perceived—can stop you from evangelizing and discipling others. You might feel hesitant to invite others into your corps community if it's an unhealthy environment (a valid concern), but don't let that stop you from witnessing, loving and reaching out to others. Prayerfully ask the Lord to lead you to someone in your corps, school or workplace that he might use you to minister to.
If we all worried less about politics and programs, and focused on making disciples of Christ, we'd probably fix all the issues we have with our corps in the process. We have to remember that none of us are called to build The Salvation Army or spectacular corps; we've been charged with making disciples. But to make a true disciple, we have to first be a true disciple. We have to regularly ask ourselves if we're really in love with Jesus, clear about his call on our lives, free from worldly pursuits and passions, and intentional in our efforts.
Pray More
So I say again: pray. The Apostle Paul counselled the Thessalonians to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV), but unceasing prayer begins with regular, intentional prayer. As we pray, we become aware of God's presence in all things. We learn to recognize his voice and develop “eyes to see and ears to hear” (see Mark 8:18). If you don't feel connected at your corps, focus on connecting to Christ.
The bottom line is that the church is full of imperfect, sinful people, and so it shouldn't be a surprise when we find imperfection and sin in the church. Catholic activist Dorothy Day expressed it well when she said, “Though she [the church] is a harlot at times, she is our mother.” We are called together to be the family of God, under one head—Christ himself. We should not easily criticize the church, because we are the church. If you're waiting for the perfect corps to come along so you can focus on building the kingdom, you're missing the point. Pour your whole heart into wherever God leads you to serve his people, and make sure your focus stays on him. Then you will find fulfillment despite your circumstances.
Jonathan Taube works and worships with The Salvation Army in the U.S.A. Central Territory's youth department and as a soldier at the Des Plaines Corps in Illinois. God has grown a deep passion in his heart for discipleship, world missions and incarnational expressions of the gospel. Taube is also a big fan of the Chicago Cubs. Read his blog posts at centralyouthnetwork.com/author/jtaube.
On Tuesday, May 26, 2015, Dee said:
On Tuesday, September 23, 2014, Lee said:
On Tuesday, September 23, 2014, Gary said:
We have several - I've often thought just one, all by themselves, would be fine. But, we have several.
They ALL suffer from "in my day we didn't" syndrome. They all realise that the current officers have the support of DHQ, the more up-to-date training, and knowledge of current Army rules and regulations. So, they know that confronting what they see as "the problem" (i.e. things have changed since the 1950s/60s/70s/80s) isn't going to work. So, they mutter. They sow dissent. The best way to describe it is, they plot mutiny.
In the time I have been with my current corps, I have seen three "sets" of married officers leave in a state of depression, disillusionment, and, in one case, suffering stress-induced health problems. All because this lot cannot accept the fact that they are RETIRED.
Attempts have been made - lots of them - to accommodate, to include, to communicate. At the latest Corps Council, we were told in no uncertain terms "I am not here to negotiate".
Our Corps has gone from numbers approaching 200, to a current membership of 14. And still, they mutter. They moan. They outright sabotage. And, one day, when our doors close for the last time, they will stand outside, and tell anyone who will listen that it was the officer's fault.
If I sound bitter, it's because I am. I'm giving it until the end of this year, and then I'm off to look for a Corps who are actually there to serve God, because this lot are only there to serve the rulebook.
On Saturday, September 20, 2014, Jac said:
Are officers flawed? Of course they are, they are human beings, so are soldiers of the army, but as God's people we are called to do everything we can to make his community work. Sometimes that means swallowing our pride and praying and giving anyway. I think this is possible when we realize that life is about doing the best we can to glorify God, and not about ourselves at all. We will always find disappointment in corps if we are only focused on ourselves.
On Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 313 4 CHRIST said:
On Tuesday, May 20, 2014, A salvaationist said:
On Tuesday, May 20, 2014, Buck said:
On Saturday, May 17, 2014, Dawn Green said:
On Friday, May 16, 2014, Jonathan Taube said:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Firstly, just to be clear, I'm neither an officer nor a TSA hand holder. I love The SA, but I'm not interested in ignoring or defending The SA's shortcomings. I want to see us be The Salvation Army that God would have us be.
I actually wrote this article because I was asked about this specific issue by some young adults in my territory. I didn't see it as relevant to discuss the option of leaving, since I think most people understand that's always an option and many are quick to do so. No one's being held at their corps by gun point, right? This was really written more for the folks who stay in spite of all they hate about their corps (and The SA more generally). I'd include myself in that group. Again, I'm no TSA apologist.
I have a pretty high view of prayer, so in the original incarnation of this article (here: http://centralyouthnetwork.com/2014/03/help-hate-corps) I suggested prayer twice. There are two headings missing from this post for some reason; my advice was pray, give anyway, mentor someone, and pray more (Now updated --editor). Dallas Willard once said that human problems cannot be solved by human efforts. That's why I'm serious when I advise prayer as not just a practical, but a necessary step. How else shall we discern God's will? How else shall we achieve Christian unity and charity?
You're also missing the point of the give anyway part. I only even mentioned money in reference to Jesus' consul that his followers can't participate in worldly systems and serve God whole-heartedly. Writing a check is easy. Giving your gifts, time, talent, and pouring your heart into a place or ministry where you feel unappreciated is a great act of worship. Only giving when we get something out of it is Pharisaic (and not worshipful).
If complaining about crappy officers was helpful, I would have included that too. I've yet to see that work though, have you? I'm personally in a situation right now where in one area of my life I'm under really great officers who love and appreciate me, and in another area of my life I'm under officers who have literally told me to my face, "We don't need you." So, honestly, I'm convicted just reading these words I wrote awhile back because I believe them, but I don't always live them. I'm the chief of sinners my brother.
Blessings on you all for sharing! Email me if you'd like to continue the conversation at all? I'm always available.
On Friday, May 16, 2014, Gerard said:
There is ONLY one God.
I personally think it's healthy to go to different places and connect with other Christians.
Ecumenism at its finest. I often go to Catholic and to Pentecostal, just for the diversity.
Where you pay is irrelevant. If you're contributing to the work of God - which isn't limited to the Salvation Army, btw; than that's all that matters.
On Friday, May 16, 2014, omokungbe albert said:
On Thursday, May 15, 2014, gary said:
On Thursday, May 15, 2014, Jenny said:
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