Salvationists and friends met on Sunday, June 26, at the London Convention Centre for a great celebration and worship service on the final day of commissioning and ordination events in London, Ont.
“Isn't this a lovely sight?” asked Commissioner Susan McMillan, territorial commander, as she acknowledged a large group of people who had joined her on the platform, supported by their corps officers, to join the Army ranks as junior and senior soldiers.
First enrolling seven young people as junior soldiers, she read Joshua 1:7 and encouraged them to be strong and courageous as they live for Christ. On behalf of his fellow junior soldiers, Alex Ingram (Orillia Corps, Ont.) recited the Junior Soldier's Promise.
The territorial commander referenced Ephesians 6 when enrolling the senior soldiers, reminding them of the importance of putting on the full armour of God to help them keep the promises they had made. “May we be a shining example to these new soldiers,” she challenged the congregation.
God with Us
Just before the congregation stood to sing the familiar words “Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee,” Lt-Colonel Wendy Waters, assistant territorial secretary for women's ministries and Fellowship of the Silver Star secretary, explained the significance of the Fellowship of the Silver Star as a symbol of the Army's gratitude to those who have made a spiritual impact on the lives of new officers. Each of the Messengers of Light who were commissioned the previous evening presented their parents or spiritual mentors with a special pin and certificate welcoming them to the fellowship.
Following the service, the new lieutenants shared with their parents, mentors, officer staff from the College for Officer Training and territorial leadership during a special Fellowship of the Silver Star luncheon.

In her message, the territorial commander spoke from Psalm 139, emphasizing that there is nothing unknown about us to God, yet he loves us just the same.

“God is not watching us from a distance,” she said. “He is right here. The Lord is working with you.” Many responded to her invitation to kneel in dedication of their lives at the cross-shaped altar located in the middle of the auditorium that served as a reminder of the great cost Christ paid for our salvation. “As we go out to minister, know that we are known intimately by God, and that he goes with us,” she said.
Musical support for the morning was provided by Impact Brass, divisional youth band from the Ontario Great Lakes Division (Bandmaster Phil Rayment), pianist Rachel Ewing from the territorial music and gospel arts department, and Karen Gross, vocal soloist. A parallel children's program with a glow-in-the-dark theme included Bible teaching, activities and exuberant music.
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