(Above) A heartfelt sign of gratitude from Sandra, who helps run the Vila dos Pescadores children's program in The Salvation Army Brazil Tty. (Photo: Michelle Watts, Australia Tty)
In 1985, the U.S.A. Central Territory hosted the international youth congress in Macomb, Illinois. It was as a delegate at this congress that I realized I was part of something so much greater than my corps, division or territory. The theme of the congress was “Building a New World,” and as I sat in the bleachers along with thousands of young Salvationists gathered from around the world, my eyes were opened to the rich diversity of this global, missional movement.
Thirty-six years later, through the faithfulness of generations, The Salvation Army continues to march, spreading the gospel message and meeting human needs within local communities.
As you read through this photo essay, I pray that you will see the joy in ministry; that you will catch the excitement that I experienced, knowing we are a small part of God’s wider plan; and that you will have a deeper knowledge of some of the ministries we are involved in around the Army world.
Together, we continue to “build a new world.”
Lt-Colonel Brenda Murray is the director of international development.

When we love what we do, it shows in our encounters with others. Zondiwe Mweemba Ngalande (left), here with Lt-Colonel Brenda Murray, is the head of The Salvation Army’s Chikankata College of Nursing and Midwifery in Zambia. Ngalande has worked at the college for 14 years, and her passion for her work radiates through the warmth of her smile. “I have a heart to serve the vulnerable and the poor,” she shares. She is delighted to work at a college whose “mission is to serve God and to serve people.” Ngalande is an inspiration. (Photo: Mark Yan)

An impressive sight as more than 278 nurses and midwives graduate from the Chikankata College of Nursing and Midwifery in October 2021—the college’s 70th graduation ceremony. It was officiated by Colonel Ian Swan, territorial commander, and attended by government officials and other invited guests. To God be the glory! (Photo: Mjr Clayford Matepeta)

The sound of the singing, the playing of instruments and drums, the spoken message and prayers of the people are heard across Zambia as Salvationists gather for worship services. It is in times of worship and fellowship that our faith is strengthened. It is in coming together as the body of Christ that we are edified for mission. (Photo: Mark Yan)

Active Officers 244
Retired Officers 70
Cadets 24
Corps 156
Outposts 286
Senior Soldiers 33,806
Junior Soldiers 9,593
Adherents 2,498
Employees 598
Zone: Africa
Languages in which the gospel is preached: Chibemba, Chinyanja, Chitonga, English, Kaonde, Lozi

and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”—John 6:35
A loaf of bread brings smiles to all. Here, the women have just had a baking lesson and will enjoy the fruits of their labour. When we support individuals, we need a holistic approach—body, mind and soul. The bread will nourish the body, and the skills learned will provide opportunities for women and their families to thrive. (Photo: Eric Baudrey)

Women learn new skills in tailoring at a vocational training program in the Congo (Brazzaville) Territory.
The women’s ministries department is heavily involved in this program as they identified a need within their community. (Photo: Eric Baudrey)

Active Officers 385
Retired Officers 91
Envoys 4
Auxiliary-Captains 2
Cadets 35
Corps 120
Outposts 121
Senior Soldiers 25,176
Junior Soldiers 13,026
Adherents 3,812
Employees 172
Zone: Africa
Languages in which the gospel is preached: French, Kikongo, Kituba, Lingala, Vili

Active Officers 2,313
Retired Officers 1,251
Envoys 10
Auxiliary-Captains 51
Cadets 77
Corps 275
Outposts and Societies 1,517
Senior Soldiers 320,639
Junior Soldiers 35,377
Adherents 17,962
Employees 1,624
Zone: South Asia
Languages in which the gospel is preached: Adhibasi, Bengali, Bru, Burmese, Dogri, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Hmar, Kui, Malayalam, Manipuri (Meitei), Marathi, Mizo, Nagamese, Nepali, Oriya, Paite, Punjabi, Santhali, Simte, Tamil, Telegu, Thadou, Vaiphai
Including India Central Tty, India Eastern Tty, India Northern Tty, India South Eastern Tty, India South Western Tty, India Western Tty

A family photo after the women’s ministries Bible camp in Bamako, Mali, which focused on the theme: “Good news gives health to the bones.” “This was an important gathering because it was the first time more than 100 women gathered for fellowship and to study the Word of God,” says Captain Nana Fatouma Togo, regional secretary for women’s ministries.“ At the end, each corps received a home league flag.” The Salvation Army Mali Region believes in growing saints.
Active Officers 17
Envoys 9
Outposts 14
Senior Soldiers 660
Junior Soldiers 277
Adherents 131
Employees 3
Zone: Africa
Languages in which the gospel is preached: Bambara, French

Pedro is continuing his ministry as a cadet at the training college in Brazil.
Active Officers 120
Retired Officers 46
Cadets 6
Corps 42
Senior Soldiers 1,638
Junior Soldiers 424
Adherents 142
Employees 439
Zone: Americas & Caribbean
Languages in which the gospel is preached: Portuguese
*Statistics from The Salvation Army Yearbook 2021
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On Monday, April 4, 2022, Arlene Holland said:
On Friday, February 11, 2022, gwenyth redhead said:
It was the privilege of my husband and me to visit Brazil, especially as some of the officers were the daughters of cadets whom we had helped to train at the International Training College, UK, and who had become officers of that territory.
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