Frontier Spirit

Celebrating Salvation Army ministry in Yellowknife.

The Home Front is an ongoing series where we highlight the mission and ministry taking place around our territory. We will visit each Canadian province and territory, as well as Bermuda, and celebrate the innovation and impact the Army is having in corps, social services and youth ministry. 

When Lieutenants Mirna Dirani and Tharwat Eskander, corps officers and outreach and evangelism directors at Mississauga Community Church, Ont., realized that the young adults in their corps were seeking something greater than just attending church, they set out to create a ministry that would blend discipleship with social justice education.

This Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of the Saviour, let’s ask God to empower us with Holy Spirit zeal to spread the word concerning Jesus, that still more might come to experience the love of God as revealed in the gift of his precious Son and our Saviour, Jesus, the Son of God.