Many people today are finding it hard to make ends meet. The cost of living is high. Mortgage and rent rates have escalated. Food prices have gone up considerably. Many employees are going on strike, demanding pay increases. And, coming out of a global pandemic, people are tired and frustrated—sensing things are getting out of control. They simply want a reasonable income to feed their families and live comfortably.

Paul’s Amazing Words

A major Canadian bank has a slogan that resonates in these financially dire times: “You’re richer than you think!” 

If nothing else, it catches people’s attention—perhaps making them think more positively; to look at their finances, seeing if they can work things out in a better way. Some might use investments to their advantage or they can try to spend smarter.

But life isn’t all about money, is it? Rather, it’s about living up to our potential; living life to the full. It’s about how our faith can deepen our relationship with God, family, friends; those we meet on a day-to-day basis. God’s deep love for us makes us richer than we could ever imagine because we are created in His image. Can we even begin to comprehend this truth? 

He made us, so we can live a richer life—enabling us to reach others and invite them into the beautiful family of God.

Many years ago, the Apostle Paul wrote to the people of Ephesus: “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6-7). Amazing words!

Amazing Grace

So, we can ask, why are we so rich? 

A few possible answers:

• God has given us the gift of life itself. We are not promised tomorrow, so we must make the most of every day given to us. What are we doing today to honour God? We can begin by being there for others, encouraging them, supporting them. 

• We are rich because of our family and friends. Do we appreciate all those who have influenced us in some positive way? Perhaps, in turn, we can help someone who has no family and is in desperate need of a friend today.

• We are blessed to be able to worship freely. In many countries, this awesome privilege is not possible. Let us never take our freedom for granted.

• God has blessed us with His Word. The Bible is God’s voice to us, His children. We need to read His Word daily, which will enhance our spiritual growth and development. 

Each new day is a blessing, and we can rejoice in that because our heavenly Father has lavished us with His abundant grace. We are very privileged, in so many wonderful ways. Therefore, let us count our many blessings, one by one, thanking God daily for His amazing grace.

Yes, there may still be struggles we have to face. Our world is far from perfect. But rather than focusing on the stresses, on the strains that life presents, let’s allow God’s grace to pour over us every day. After all, the truth still stands: We’re richer than we think!

Major Beverly Ivany is a retired Salvation Army pastor and the former writer of Words of Life,a daily Bible reading devotional series published by The Salvation Army.

Photo: Negro Elkha/


On Friday, October 20, 2023, Concerned said:

I read this, and could not help but think of the old Army song, from a time when the Army was the Army:

All the riches of his grace I claim Over every promise, write my name

We are indeed rich. We are the children of a king!

On Thursday, October 19, 2023, Neil Church said:

God has blessed us so abundantly we need to thank God. We also need to share with others less fortunate than ourselves!

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