
We are all watching the events unfolding in Ukraine with deep concern. Our hearts are with all those who are suffering. We think particularly of Salvation Army officers, soldiers and employees who are serving in Ukraine and Russia. May God grant them his protection and enable them to continue serving those who need them desperately right now.

We also pray for world leaders that they will look to God for wisdom and exercise discernment as they work to negotiate an end to the conflict. For those seeking war, we pray they will instead “turn swords into ploughshares” (see Isaiah 2:4) and pursue peace.

As an international Salvation Army, we continue to uphold the principles of compassion, care and service. Even in these dark moments, we trust in God for comfort and strength.

Peace in our time, Lord, we pray.


Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd
Territorial Leaders


On Sunday, March 6, 2022, Edna Way said:

A friend shared with me that some women sheltered in a basement in Ukraine asked that people join them in reading their favorite bible passage Psalm 31 at 4:00 pm everyday wherever you live, that way it could be read non stop. And could we sing that chorus "In Thee Oh Lord Do I Put My Trust" as we lift these dear people up to God's throne in prayer. Many tears have been shed for these people as prayers have reached God's throne room on their behalf. God is all powerful and He still answers prayer. All we need to do is pray and believe.

On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, Judy Goudie said:

We are praying for Ukraine. Our hearts are heavy as we have watched what has been developing daily. May God protect and comfort the people in these days. Give wisdom and direction to those in authority and may your Holy Spirit move throughout the land giving hope and courage to the hurting and distraught. We are praying for a miracle in your land and in our world.

On Monday, February 28, 2022, Anne Hewlett said:

Let's pray that God will move in Putin's mind and heart and protect the Russian people who are so against this attack on Ukraine.

On Sunday, February 27, 2022, Donna Anstey said:

One of my dearest Officer friends is serving in Ukraine. May God grant strength, courage and faith as lives are shattered and many destroyed. Peace Lord, this is our hearts cry as we weep along with those who weep! May wisdom and discernment be abundant to all in authority.

On Saturday, February 26, 2022, Mavis dalton said:

I wish this was a bad dream but! It isn't. I wish i could do something i can Pray.

On Saturday, February 26, 2022, Majors George and Karen Crocker Trout River said:

We are uplifting the people in Ukraine and Russia today in prayer may our God be there source and strength in these troublesome days.

On Friday, February 25, 2022, Nancy Harrison said:

Father God, thank you that we are freely able to pray to you openly and that you hear and answer our prayers. Please soften the hearts of the misguided leadership in Russia and any other countries or individuals that support, willingly enable or condone this attack on the Ukraine. You hear the prayers and the cries echoing from the Ukraine subways, in their streets , their buildings and from those seeking refuge at neighbouring borders. You hear the pleas from their loved ones around the world . You hear our prayers , the prayers of your children Lord , pleading for a peaceful end to this terrifying invasion that only you can bring. You see the nations standing up in support and in love for their fellow brothers and sisters. Please place a hedge of protection over all of the soldiers deployed and all in harms way as a result of this conflict. Please also equip our soldiers, our officers our staff in the Ukraine and Russia and our global leadership with strength , wisdom, discernment and the necessary supports to continue to do their work sharing love and hope now and going forward. All for your glory, in Jesus name. Amen

On Friday, February 25, 2022, Brenda Fuss said:

Heavenly Father, my eyes and heart are on You. The world, the Ukrainian people, the Russian people, all the people, are in your hands. We are all children of God. My prayer is for all these to be in your almighty hands with strength, mercy, compassion, hope and unity where these are needed in Your Most Holy Plan. I pray for all the families, friends, those responding to the injured physical and mental hurt, in their time of need, in their time of trials and challenges, I pray that they all see You Lord and know your almighty healing, protection and love. This I pray in Jesus Name, Amen

On Thursday, February 24, 2022, Deana Zelinsky said:

Our hope and prayer is for peace to rule in the hearts and minds of world leaders across the globe. Lord, have mercy. Hear our prayer.

On Thursday, February 24, 2022, Major Colleen Winter said:

Heavenly Father, we come together in unity and prayer believing that you can intervene, and that only you can bring peace to this entire situation. Father God, be with those who are in Ukraine who are trying to help those affected. May you protect them as they minister in your name. Lord Jesus, give discernment and your wisdom to the leaders as decisions are being made. Father we know that you can work miracles where some may see no hope. May your spirit move in ways we can not see, to bring peace where there is war. I ask this in Jesus precious name, Amen.

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