
Every corps, regardless of size needs a framework to support the mission. A governance model is the framework to align communication and decision-making with the objectives of the corps.


Everyone is welcome to attend a Salvation Army corps (church) and be part of our faith community.  Some people choose to make a more formal level of commitment as an adherent, soldier, or officer of The Salvation Army.Membership as an adherent, soldier or officer begins with salvation.  The basis of this faith is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 

Sr Soldier Training and Adherent Training

Orders and Regulations

Ministry Worker Screening


Sample - Leadership Covenant

Purpose of the Ministry Board is to provide governance, leadership & guidance regarding the vision of the church in matters related to spiritual direction, ministry, and stewardship of NCC, as we seek to be The Church in Aurora, Ontario.

Courtesies to Northridge Community Church for providing this covenant.

Governance Resources

Information and tools for managing and governing your Corps effectively.